Testing, Testing.

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Niall threw a few items into a bag then scanned his bedroom to see if there was anything else he wanted to take with him. iPad! He grabbed it quickly, shoving it into the bag along with it's charger and the one for his phone. He was all set.......he swallowed nervously.

"Niall, are you ready to go?" Lisa Jones , his Manager's assistant called from downstairs. "We'll be late if we don't leave soon. Traffic is heavy this time of day." Niall sighed quietly and headed out of his room and downstairs where the woman was waiting for him. "Got everything?" She smiled at him sympathetically. She knew he hated hospitals and  wasn't looking forward to having to be readmitted for tests  so soon after he'd been released following  the car accident he and Louis, been involved in,  when they both had been seriously injured..

"Yeah" Niall spoke dispiritedly "Look, Lisa, I'm not sure I want to go ahead with this. Perhaps we can cancel....?"

"Niall, I know you don't want these tests done but they are important. They should have been done  months ago." Lisa didn't continue. Niall had been booked to have tests done on his heart and kidneys to check if Lupus had done any permanent damage but his "escape' from the hospital with Louis, and the subsequent accident had delayed things considerably.

"I know, I know" Niall sounded defeated. She was right. The test were necessary and vitally important, especially if Niall was to find out if he was eligible for the latest, and experimental treatment for Lupus. "Let's go...get it over with." He followed her out , slamming the door behind them. He climbed slowly into the passenger side of the car and leant his head back against the headrest, a headache already building up behind his eyes. He allowed himself to drift as Lisa drove towards Cedars-Sinai Medical Center .

"Niall, wake up" Lisa spoke softly, not wanting to jolt Niall into wakefulness. She was just turning into Wiltshire Avenue and was rapidly approaching the hospital. It didn't take long to park and soon she was escorting a reluctant Niall into the building. Within minutes they were being shown to the room that Niall was to occupy during his short stay. "I'll leave you to get settled" Lisa told him . "Oh, and you'll have a visitor later today.He's been cleared to see you." She smiled and waved, leaving Niall alone with a nurse who advised him to undress and get into bed. 

"But I'm here for tests, I don't need to be in bed" Niall sounded fretful. This is one of the reasons he hated hospitals so much. They treated you like you were either delicate or a child.

"Doctors orders" the nurse replied." Mr   Hayes-Hamilton  will be along shortly. You'll ask be seeing the Cardiologist and the Nephrologist as well. They'll explain the procedure for the next few days. Now, as quick as you can please, Mr Horan. The gown is already on the bed for you. I'll return in a few minutes." She walked out, closing the door behind her, leaving a grumpy Niall to survey the room glumly. Oh well, he thought, better get on with it.

Niall had stretched out on the top of the bedclothes, despite the nurse nagging him, reluctant to actually get into bed. He was entertaining himself by scrolling through Twitter and tweeting to a few fans. At least he could make someone happy even if he wasn't particularly enjoying his day. He jumped when his door suddenly flew open with a bang and a man bounced into the room.

"Dave!" Niall yelled in delight. Finally, someone he was happy to see.

"Hey Nialler" Dave chirped as he approached the bed and sat down on the edge, high fiving Niall. "Good to see you again."

"Dave, it's only been a week or so" Niall commented dryly 

"I do pop up like a bad penny" Dave agreed. Despite Mr  Hayes-Hamilton not being happy that Niall had chosen to accept therapy sessions  with Dave rather than one of Cedars-Sinai Psychologists, he had to admit that Niall had made excellent progress working with the man and was more positive about his abilities to cope with having a serious illness.And Dave had become a good friend to Niall into the bargain, with his knack of knowing just how to make Niall open up to him. Therapy sessions were now informal, and very productive as a result, Niall responding to the less clinical approach with greater honesty.

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