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Noah stared at the information on his screen, flicking through it rapidly as he scanned the readings. His eyes focussed on a series of numbers and he moved closer to the screen, his lips moving as he read. That had to be it. That's what he'd forgotten. Fool! He reread the information again then, nodding to himself, pushed away from his desk and hurried to the other side of the lab where a big fridge like unit stood. He pulled it open then grabbed a vial off the shelf, noting there were three more left. It was enough, it had to be enough. Barely pausing to close the unit door, he raced from the room. Time was running out.

"Got it" Noah said breathlessly as he all but collapsed in Niall's room. "I'm all kinds of a fool. I need a syringe, quick!" Caleb looked at him in surprise, his mouth open."Move man, we don't have time!" Noah yelled and Caleb hurried to  trolley beside Niall's bed and grabbed the required item, watching in confusion as Noah filled the syringe then hurriedly pushed the needle into the crook of Niall's elbow before standing back. His lips moving like he was silently praying, which he was. Both men stood in the silence, staring at their patient. Gradually Niall's heartbeat altered and the machines indicated his blood pressure, which was dangerously low, had started to rise, slowly and almost imperceptibly. Noah let out a breath he barely noticed that he'd been holding.

"Explain" Caleb said quietly.

"Some of my test results for the medication proved inconclusive at times. I'd created a compound which I thought might boost it but I wasn't convinced. Thought I'd got things wrong. Turns out I was not realising I needed to add it to the treatment. I think it will work, Caleb."

"I hope you're right, You left things right to the wire. He still might not make it." Caleb said soberly .

"He'll make it" Noah replied firmly. "I just bought him more time. I've more of the drug made up. It should be enough. But he'll still need the transplant?"

"Unfortunately, there is no avoiding it. But he'll need that time. His brother has declined to help. A sibling donation would have been perfect. His father is too weak after his own surgery. The hunt is now to find a match from a living donor. The other choice isn't likely to come in time and the chances of a good match are almost impossible. I'll start running tests." Caleb left Noah to stand guard over their patient as he began the necessary work.

"Doc, hey, Doc" Louis raced towards him, panting in an effort to catch his breath. "Look, I spoke to Bobby. You need someone to donate a kidney to Niall. I want to do it."

"Louis, slow down. It's not that easy. You have to know what you are letting yourself in for if you donate."

"Look, I spoke to our friend, Selena. She has Lupus too and she's just had a transplant from a living donor. I talked about it with her and her friend. I know what I'm doing. Please? Niall's me mate, me brother. I need to do this. We can't lose him, Doc." Louis pleaded, his eyes fixed on the doctor's own. "Please?"

"Let's talk" Caleb led the way to an examination room, explaining as he went what was needed. "I'll need to examine you Louis, make sure you're fit enough. I'll need blood samples too. We need to check that you are compatible with Niall. It will help prevent rejection problems as much as we can. I'll just leave you with the nurse and I'll be back shortly. He smiled at Louis then left.

"You seem well enough. I'll send the blood samples to the lab for crossmatching." the doctor said as he labeled the vials of blood.

"Crossmatch?" Louis asked.

"We mix your blood with Niall's and check the results. Positive crossmatch, you are an unsuitable donor for Niall. A negative one......." He smiled and crossed his fingers, holding them so Louis could see. "Meanwhile, the psychologist is coming to talk with you. I've explained the physical effects on you but he'll want to make sure you are OK with the emotional side of things. I know you want what's best for Niall, Louis, but you also need to know the effect on yourself. This isn't to be taken lightly. Once done, there's no going back." He patted Louis shoulder and left Louis. The lad slid off the examination couch and redressed himself. He understood what the doctor was concerned about but this was Niall they were talking about.

Louis had talked with the psychologist at length and also rang Dave. He was who really who Louis trusted the most. Dave understood immediately and promised he'd come and talk in person within the hour. Louis ended the call, a wave of relief rolling over him. Just the lab results to wait for now.

"You know your own mind, Lou." Dave said "And I think you are mentally and emotionally prepared for this, if you choose to go ahead."

"I want to, Dave. Just waiting for the test results." Louis replied. Both men turned toward the door as it swung open and Caleb stood there, a half smile on his face. Louis raised his eyebrows enquiringly.

"Negative Crossmatch" was all the doctor said. Louis grabbed Dave and danced around the room with him.

"Let's do this" his grin wide, his eyes bright."I want to go tell Bobby."

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