"But I Blame Me"

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Both men inched closer to the bed and stared down at it's occupant but Niall's eyes were closed again and he was silent.

"Niall...Niall, son" Bobby whispered but there was no response. Harry reached passed him and rand the nurses call bell. Seconds later a nurse appeared, looking anxious.

"He woke up..he said Da" Harry told her. The nurse approached the bed and started checking machine readings.

" Gentlemen, I am going to call the doctor. I shall have to ask you both the wait outside, please" she opened the door and stood looking at them until they both reluctantly moved."I'll let you know when you can return" she said as she closed the door and hurried to the nurses station to summons the doctor. Harry and Bobby sat down , in silence, waiting.

Harry and Bobby stared at the closed door, willing a doctor to come out and let them know how Niall was doing. Bobby had already called Maura and she and Liam were on route to the hospital. Bobby just hoped the news they'd be given was good. Niall's body looked so battered and frail that Bobby could hardly believe his son was still breathing. Both men stood as the door to Niall's room opened and two doctors stepped out.

"How is he? How's my son" Bobby asked quietly, his fingers twisting together in anxiety.

"Holding his own at this stage" one of the doctors replied as the other walked away.. Bobby peered at the man's name tag.

"Doctor..Jacobs...what does that mean exactly..holding his own?" Bobby wanted the exact truth, not medical statements that held no real clues.

"Exactly that, Mr Horan.  Your son is extremely ill. This recent complication was one he could have well done without. I won't lie to you, Niall has a very fragile hold on life at the moment. THat he woke up..briefly...and seemed to recognise you, was a good sign but it isn't enough for me to say he'll make a full recovery. I'm sorry" Doctor Jacobs tone softened "It's not something a parent wants to hear but I have to be honest with you. We'll do our best for Niall, naturally, but there is only so much medical science can achieve. Sometimes it is up to  a 'Higher Authority' and the patient himself. Niall needs to want to live." He laid a sympathetic hand on Bobby's shoulder as he spoke. "You can go in now. Talk to him. Tell him to fight". He walked away.

"Hey Li, how's Ni?" Louis asked the moment Liam walked into his room.

"Not good, mate...his spleen ruptured and they had to do surgery. I don't know he'll make it. His parents are with him now. Harry was there but he's left, thought it was best to give Maura and Bobby time alone with Niall." Liam sat down heavily on a chair by Louis bed.

"No..NO!" Louis whisper shouted and tears poured down his pale cheeks.

"Louis, no mate, don't...please" Liam stood and carefully pulled Louis into a hug, rubbing his back soothingly. "Mate, calm down."

"I shouldn't have done it. I should have said no" Louis said brokenly.

"Lou, listen to me. Nobody is blaming you, mate. It's not your fault.

"Nobody blames me, Li? Someone is, I'm blaming me." Louis shut his eyes though tears still leaked out under his closed eyelids."I want to go see him, Li. Can you take me?"

"Bro, is that a good idea? You're still pretty hurt yourself. I don't think...." Liam shook his head as Louis repeatedly pressed the nurses call button.

"I want to go see my friend, I want to see Niall" Louis shouted as the nurse entered the room.

"Mr Tomlinson, you are too unwell. How about in a few days time?" the nurse said placatingly.

"Now!" Louis said "Or I discharge myself and go see him."

"I'll get a chair" the nurse said in defeat. She had already found that her patient was a stubborn young man and would do exactly as he said. Better to allow him this than have him discharge himself when he was still not remotely recovered from the accident.

Louis winced in pain as the nurse and Liam assisted him into the wheelchair. He tried to resist the nurse covering him up with a blanket but she won that particular battle. Pain shot through Louis with every small movement he made as his battered body protested but he clenched his teeth and stayed silent. He was not going to be stopped from seeing Niall.

Niall's room was dim when the little procession arrived. Maura was curled up in a recliner, sleeping fitfully. Bobby was nowhere in sight.

"Niall's father has gone to get some coffee" the nurse whispered as Louis was pushed close to Niall's bed. Louis just nodded as he looked at his prone bandmate. Niall was surrounded by machines and his face was mottled colors from the bruising.He seemed to have wires and tubes attached to every part of his body. Louis gently took Niall's hand in his, careful not to move anything.

"Lou, I'll go find Bobby. You stay talk with Nialler, yeah?" but Louis didn't respond.  Liam left quietly .

"Ni, I am so, so sorry" Louis whispered. "I just wish I could change places with you. Bro, you gotta get through this. I can't live if you don't, knowing it's all my fault." Louis shook his head and fell silent for a few minutes then remembered the nurses instructions to 'Talk. He may not respond but he may be able to hear you." Louis started to talk, rambling on and on disjointedly until his throat felt rough and dry.He jumped when Niall started to cough.

"Let' just move you outside, young man" a nurse said as she pushed Louis from the room then went back in. Maura emerged next, looking totally disorientated. She saw Louis and hurried to join him, both anxious to know what was going on. Two doctors came quickly through the swing doors at the end of the hallway and disappeared into Niall's room. Maura pulled out her Rosary and the beads slid through her fingers as her lips moved rapidly and silently in prayer. Louis could only sit, the words. "please, please" going through his mind"

"Ahem" both Louis and Maura stared at the doctor who had suddenly appeared before them. His face wore a small smile.

"Your son is awake now."

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