The Best Place Right Now

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Doctor Ward put the phone down. Niall was still not answering his phone, neither was he responding to the messages left. The doctor frowned. He realised he couldn't make Niall come in to talk about treatment so his hands were tied. But he knew he couldn't leave the poor lad to suffer. He tapped his pen on the table as he thought. There had to be something. He thought back on his last conversation with Niall and the penny dropped. It was worth a try. If it failed things wouldn't be any the worse than they already were turning out.

Niall gave in to the depression. He was barely functioning. He dragged himself out of bed to get himself water and to use the bathroom but otherwise he remained curled up in the tangle of sheets on his bed. His hair was lank and greasy and he had no inclination to shower. All he wanted was the ache in his body to stop and the world to go away and leave him to wallow in his pit. He heard the house phone ring yet again and pulled a pillow over his head to drown out the noise. It finally stopped then his cell phone began to buzz before cutting out as his battery died. His mind drifted off to the place where nothing existed to him, no thoughts, nothing.

Louis' forehead creased as he wondered why Niall wasn't answering his phone. He'd heard from Niall almost daily yet for the last week there had been nothing, no calls , no messages. Niall hadn't been well the last time they had been together and just knowing that was making Louis very uneasy. He scrolled through his contacts, phoning first Harry then Liam, to see if they had heard from Niall but neither of them had. Louis felt his unease grow by the minute.Mind made up, he grabbed his car keys and wallet and headed out the door. He needed to know his mate was OK so he drove towards Niall's new home.

Niall flinched when the intercom buzzed announcing someone was asking for admittance through the security gates. He ignored it but whoever was pressing the bell refused to give up and go away. Niall eventually stumbled from the bed and looked at the camera screen to see who was being so persistent. Louis! Niall didn't speak but pressed the button that allowed the gates to swing open. Once Louis was through, the gates closed behind him. Niall wobbled his way back to his bed and curled up again, shutting his eyes.

"Niall. Nialler?" Louis called out as he walked into the house. He wandered through the rooms but Niall was nowhere in sight. Louis headed for the stairs and opened every door he passed, still calling Niall's name. Eventually he opened the door of Niall's bedroom and stood in the doorway looking at the pitiful sight of his bandmate. He walked over to the bed and sat next to Niall, rubbing his leg gently. "Niall?"

"Oh, lad, you're a mess" Louis said softly as he carefully pulled Niall up into a sitting position and looked at his face, the red butterfly rash across his face standing out starkly against the white of his skin. Louis wrinkled his nose. Niall was normally fastidious about showering and shaving but it was obvious he hadn't done either for days. Louis stood up and went into the bathroom and started the shower. Once it was at the right temperature, he stripped off his clothes and wrapped a towel around his waist before returning to the bedroom. Niall was still sat up, in exactly the same position Louis had left him in, staring blankly into space. Louis gently guided Niall's legs over the side of the bed and pulled him to his feet.

"Come on, bro" Louis spoke quietly but firmly "Let's get you cleaned up." He walked Niall to the bathroom. ""Get undressed, yeah, and we'll get you clean". Niall just stared at him, not responding in any way. Louis groaned "Here, I'll help". He pulled the T-Shirt off over Niall's head then waited for Niall to remove his shorts but Niall remained immobile. Sighing softly, Louis pulled them down then guided Niall's feet out of the legs. That done, he walked Niall into the huge shower and poured body wash onto a soft cloth and carefully washed Niall's body before shampooing Niall's dull hair. Once the soap was washed off, he turned off the water and wrapped Niall in a large , fluffy towel then dried him. He hurried back into the bedroom and collected clean clothing for Niall and dressed him as if he was a small child. Niall neither helped nor resisted. Louis then scrambled into his own clothing, rapidly thinking what he ought to do. Niall was a complete mess and obviously was incapable of looking after himself.

"Niall, let's get some food into you" Louis flung an arm around Niall's painfully thin shoulders and led him out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. "Eggs, scrambled" Louis muttered to himself and busied himself preparing them. Niall just sat in a chair, staring into space. Louis put the dish of eggs in front of Niall but the small blond made no attempt to eat. Louis shook his head then picked up a spoon and scooped up some eggs, holding the spoon to Niall's lips. "Open" Louis encouraged and Niall obeyed so Louis slid the spoon passed Niall's lips. He repeated the action until Niall had eaten most of the small serving. Once he felt Niall had eaten as much as he would, Louis pulled Niall to his feet then led him to the den where he pushed Niall down  on the couch,and covered him with a soft blanket that hung over the back of the couch. Niall's eyes closed almost immediately . Louis stood looking down at Niall as he pondered what he should do next. Niall couldn't be left to fend for himself in this condition . He needed help, expert help.

"No, no" Louis muttered as he looked through the contacts on Niall's phone "They won't be any good." His eyes lit up when he saw the contact for Doctor Ward. He hurried back into the kitchen so he didn't disturb the sleeping boy then pressed call and fidgeted from food to foot as he waited for the call to be answered. 

"Doctor Ward's Office" a light, pleasant voice answered.

"Ummh, yeah. Can I speak to Doctor Ward. It's..ummh..urgent."

"May I ask who is calling and the purpose of the call?"

"I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm a friend of Niall Horan. I think he's a patient of Doctor Ward."

"Ah yes, Mr Tomlinson. I believe the Doctor has been trying to contact Niall. I'll put you through."

"Thanks" Louis paced as he spoke.

"Ward speaking. How may I help you, Mr Tomlinson?" the doctor's voice was calm and soothing

""I'm at Niall's home right now. I'm rather worried as he's a mess and I'm not sure what to do. He's got a terrible rash on his face and he's almost comatose in behavior" Louis said wondering if he was making a mistake calling the doctor.

"Mr Tomlinson. Could you stay with Niall, I'm on my way. I should be with you very shortly"

"OK, I'll buzz you in when you arrive. Thanks" Louis ended the call suddenly feeling like the cavalry was coming.

It seemed like hours but was only a relatively short time before the doctor arrived and Louis showed him into the den where Niall was still sleeping. The doctor wasted no time in opening his medical bag and getting out various items before examining his patient. Niall 's eyes opened but he didn't react in any way.

"Niall" the doctor spoke quietly "I'm going to take you to hospital so we can look after you, OK?". Niall just stared up at him. "Louis, would you  stay with him please while I get it all sorted?" Louis nodded and sat next to Niall as the doctor left the room. Louis could hear his voice murmuring in the other room.

Niall stayed quiet until the nurse tried to get him undressed and into a hospital gown then he began to struggle and scream. Louis, who had stayed with him, pushed him down on the bed and held him, talking soothingly as another nurse slid a needle into Niall's arm. He struggled briefly then relaxed into unconsciousness. Louis stood back, sweating from the effort and tears in his eyes as he gazed at Niall who looked a mere shell of himself.

"We'll look after him, Louis" Doctor Ward said reassuringly. "He's in the best place right now"

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