Input?...You Really Mean Interfere

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He squared his shoulders and braced himself for battle before firmly knocking on the door."Enter" a man's voice called out, the tone clipped. English...he recognised the accent.

"Good Afternoon, I'm Dave Marshall  , Senior Clinical Psychologist at the Meadowbanks facility in Arizona." He introduced himself as he took in the man that stood up, and was holding out a hand to shake. He immediately reached out his own and the two men exchanged a firm handshake.

"Ah yes, I'm Gordon Hayes-Hamilton. We spoke at some length on the phone yesterday. Please take a seat." He gestured to a chair and waited courteously  until his visitor had sat before resuming his own seat. "Let's get straight to the point, Mr Marshall .I appreciate you coming but I do have to say that I am most...most " he repeated the word " reluctant to allow you access to my patient, and my views haven't changed since our telephone conversation yesterday. I am not sure it is in Mr Horan's  best interests to have an outside specialist involved with his treatment. Cedars-Sinai has its own , excellent staff ,that are well able to deal with Mr Horan and his requirements. I am sure your credentials are of the highest but really don't feel your input would be beneficial at this time." He sat back, his expression firm.

"May I be frank?"  Dave asked, receiving a confirming nod of the head. "You mean you don't want me interfering, isn't that right?"

"I, and the other doctors caring for Mr Horan, don't feel it is necessary, so no, we don't want you involved with his care." Mr Hayes-Hamilton's tone was chilly.

"May I respectfully suggest Mr Hayes-Hamilton, that you climb down from your high and mighty horse for a few minutes  to ask yourself this question. What are you afraid of? Yes, you have excellent staff here, amongst the best, but I am also one of the best. You know why? Because I treat my patient like a person, not a collection of symptoms. I get to know them, understand them. I already know Niall, I know what makes him tick. That means I can start helping immediately. Your staff will have to break through those barriers Niall has erected. I bulldozed them down weeks ago. So, if you genuinely care about your patient, you'll let me help." Dave stood up. "Good day" and he marched out of the room leaving Mr Hayes- Hamilton staring open mouthed at his retreating figure.

The door flew open and Niall turned abruptly at the bang it made hitting the wall.

"Dave! You came!" his face split into a grin as the man himself bounced into the room.

"You asked me to" Dave responded , pulling up a chair. "Look Niall, I have to tell you I have just p*$$ed off Hayes-Hamilton so I doubt he'll let me see you other than just as a friend."

"But, I need you" Niall said softly "I don't want to talk to anyone else."

"I know, Ni. I understand, but ethically I can't without permission and he's made it clear that this centre has its own excellent staff. He doesn't want my interference, he's made that plain enough." Dave said seriously.

"But if I discharge myself, then you can help me?" Niall asked hopefully.

"Nialler, I can help you with the mental and emotional side of stuff, and I really want to help. But you need the medical side of things too. " Dave was serious.

"But if I go back the facility. If I cooperate with them, can't they do that?" 

"No , Ni. The facility isn't geared up to that type of medical help. I'm sorry, it's a non starter" Dave said, hating the look of despair  that had appeared on Niall's face at his words. "I'm sorry."

"Sir, I am afraid I shall have to ask you to leave as Mr Horan needs to rest now." A nurse had appeared in the doorway.

"I'll see you, Nialler. Take care" Dave stood and left.

"Where's Jennie?" Niall asked the unfamiliar nurse that had come further into the room and was closing the blinds at the window and got the terse reply of 'Busy'. She then removed some of the pillows that Niall was leaning against and lowered the back of the bed before informing Niall he should rest before dinner before leaving him. Niall closed his eyes but didn't sleep. He was too upset.

"Mr Horan, you haven't touched your dinner. This really isn't good enough. How do you expect to get well if you won't even eat." the nurse said, barely veiling her temper.

"Not hungry" Niall replied.

"Mr Hayes-Hamilton will be told and he won't be pleased" the nurse was snippy.

"Mr Hayes- Hamilton can go f......" Niall broke off. "I'm not hungry and I don't care what pleases him or not." Niall huffed, now as bad tempered as the nurse. She picked up the tray and stomped out.

"Mr Horan, I appreciate that you are upset and that it is difficult to talk with strangers but you need to understand we are only trying to help." The woman who had introduced herself as Lucy Morgan, Clinical Psychologist, tried again but Niall studiously continued to remain silent. "I'll come back tomorrow, when you're less tired." She walked out of the room and Niall let out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to talk with her. He'd talk with Dave and only Dave. Him, he trusted.

"Hello?" Dave tucked his phone under his chin as he continued to fix himself a sandwich. He hadn't even checked to see who was calling.

"Mr Marshall? This is Hayes-Hamilton. I was wondering if you would come in and speak with me again?" Dave felt his eyes widened with surprise. "Mr Marshall?"


"Shall we say  2pm tomorrow? After carefully reconsidering the situation , my colleagues and I have decided to allow you to be part of the team caring for Mr Horan." Dave grinned at the sound of the voice at the other end.

"I'll be there" He terminated the call and fist pumped in triumph. Yes! He immediately sent Niall a text.

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