Ma, Say Something...Anything....Please

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Niall looked back down at the banner headline then back at James. "But it's not true" he whispered.

"I know that, Ni. I don't know how this information leaked out that you were here. We thought we'd kept a tight lid on everything. Actually, another paper has been running the story that you've been seen using drugs at the studio." James continued, sheepishly. "But no idea where that rumor sprang from."

"I don't know...oh my g*d" Niall had a sudden flashback of himself rummaging in his bag and taking out the medication he was taking to control the Lupus. He'd been seen by one of the musicians. But surely he wouldn't have assumed......?. "The studio...a guy saw me taking my you think? not?"

"It's a possibility, Ni. That coupled with you dropping off the grid and someone tracing you here" James said soberly.

"But it's all lies" Niall replied. "Jimjam, what am I going to do?"

"I think you're going to have to come clean, Niall.  You 'll have to let them know about the Lupus. Put out a Press Statement or do an interview or something. This isn't going to die down, it's been running for a few days now." James paused in thought " We have to do something...and quickly. The rumour mill needs shutting down. Come on, let's get out of here. We can talk in the car." James picked up Niall's bag, leaving him to follow behind with his guitar case. Niall's face was white with shock.

"We'll handle it, Niall. Get some rest and I set things up" James said as he pulled up in front of Niall's home. "We'll get it sorted."

"I hope so" Niall replied. He climbed out of the car then waved as James pulled away. Dejectedly, he picked up his bag and guitar case and  walked to his front door to let himself in. His home felt refreshing cool after the hot sun and he instantly felt himself relax a little. Dumping everything down, he headed into his kitchen and pulled open the fridge. James' PA , LIsa, had been in and stocked up on everything. Niall scanned his choices then pulled out a bottle of beer. Not the wisest choice, he knew, but h&ll, he deserved it. He popped the cap and took a swig straight from the bottle, helping quell his thirst. He groaned when his house phone started to ring.

"Ma, it's all lies, I swear. I've no idea who started the rumours but I can assure you that it's not true..." Niall listened to his mother's voice, rolling his eyes in frustration from time to time. "Ma, I told you, I was just staying somewhere to relax for a few months." Again he listened , interjecting a "Ma!" from time to time where he could. When Maura was on a rant, he knew it was hard to get a word in edgewise.  He finally couldn't take any more and the words were out of his mouth before he had time to think. He hadn't meant her to know. His Da did because he'd been called to talk sense into Niall while he was hospitalised. But Niall had dragged a reluctant promise from Bobby for Maura not to be told the real cause of his illness until he was ready.

"MA, I HAVE LUPUS ALL RIGHT! I AM NOT TAKING DRUGS!" he yelled. There was a sudden silence on the other end of the line. "Ma?" he whispered this time. "Ma, say something... anything.....please."

There, it was out. He'd prevented the hospital from telling his parents what was the main cause of his health issues. It was only when the lads had asked Bobby to come over and reason with Niall, that he had be told. Until then the story had been extreme exhaustion and chest infections.

"You told me it was just exhaustion, then  pneumonia from a neglected cold. You lied to me, Niall James Horan!"

"Ma, I just didn't want you to be fuss in over me the whole time. I wanted to deal with it myself. I........" Maura interrupted him.

"So where have you been these last two months? There's been no calls, nothing" Maura was furious and Niall winced as he listened to her.

"I was in a facility in Arizona, Ma, learning to accept and cope with it all. I promise the only drugs I'm on are prescribed to control this thing." Niall said wearily. His mother's anger had drained him. Bobby had been right, he should have been up front with her from the start. But he's only wanted to avoid her fussing over him, and treating him like he was a baby.

"I'm coming over, Niall" Maura's tone was final and Niall sighed. Just one more thing for him to stress over.

"But Ma..." Niall began , only to hear the dial tone. His Ma had hung up on him. Niall looked at the bear bottle he still clutched in his hand. It was no longer appealing so he walked to the kitchen sink and poured it down the drain. "" he groaned. "  everything."

"Mate, you brought it on yourself" Liam wasn't being sympathetic. He understood why Niall hadn't told his parents everything but even so, it was bound to come out. "What about the media rumours, bro, what's happening there?"

"James got me an Interview with the "Spotlight on the Stars" show. They're the ones who have been pushing out the bulk of the stories. I don't want to do it but James is adamant that it's the only way." Niall confessed and Liam nodded in agreement .

"Ni, I know you don't want this but he's right. They'll just keep pushing out trash until you do." Liam said reasonably."Wasn't it them that claimed you had been hospitalised because of depression?"

"Yeah.. it was them, But it didn't stick because James put out that the reason for my hospital stay was just the pneumonia. Why can't we have some privacy? Why does the media think that they have to constantly be right up in our business? Can't we have some small part of our life that's just ours?" Niall paced irritably , running his hands through his short hair.

"I know, mate. I understand. But at least once they know the truth then maybe they'll leave you alone." Liam said but he didn't sound convinced.

"Right...then every time I'm near a doctor or a hospital, they'll be right there, sticking in their noses" Niall snapped. Liam held up his hands in submission and Niall sighed. "Sorry, Li, I don't mean to take it out on you. I'm just so frustrated.......and Ma is heading over...I just want to hide!" Niall confessed.

"I'd be more afraid of your Mum than the media Nialler. She may be pint sized but that woman has a look that could incinerate you in your boots if you rile her enough." Liam laughed.

"Don't I know it" Niall admitted.

"Good luck, Mate, you're going to need it."

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