"Look Again"

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Liam hurriedly glanced around the bathroom. No, Niall definitely wasn't there. But where was he, and why was the shower running. He sped out of the room and ran to the nurses' station.

"Niall's not there, he's gone" he blurted out as he leaned against the desk, breathing heavily.

"Of course he's there" the nurse replied "He was taking a shower"

"I've been in his room for half an hour, the shower was running when I went in but he's not there now and he sure as h*ll didn't go passed me" Liam was almost yelling. The nurse hurried to Niall's room, Liam following. And yes, Niall was gone and nobody had known until now. The nurse ran back to her desk and immediately contacted security. Niall was quite ill, more than he realized, and needed to be found. She then took a deep breath and called Doctor Martin to tell him one of his patients was missing.

Liam stood there in panic, cursing under his breath. He knew Niall hated hospitals but surely he wasn't stupid enough to leave. He'd probably just gone wandering around the hospital. Mind made up, he told the nurse that he'd start looking as well. As he checked the main areas he thought Niall might have gone, he pulled out his phone and sent texts to Harry and Louis to tell them what was happening. Both replied instantly, both equally worried.

Niall had to keep stopping as he walked down the hot pavement. Despite the heat, he kept the hood up, mentally thanking Louis for including street clothes along with nightwear in the bag he'd taken to the hospital for Niall. He just needs to vanish and get his mind together. But first things first, he needed to get to his home. He also needed to get somewhere that he'd not easily be recognized so he could pull off this hot top. He was feeling sick and dizzy but he kept moving.

It had been easier than he thought to leave the hospital undetected. He'd taken the clothing into the bathroom and quickly changed out of the hospital gown, leaving it on the floor. He'd dressed quickly in the shorts, T-shirt and Hoodie than Louis had included in the bag along with his phone and, great mercies, his wallet. He'd told the nurse he was having a long shower and a long the shower would be. If she came into his room, she'd hear it running, it was just he wouldn't be under it. He turned the shower on then cautiously peeked into the other room. It was empty. Shutting the bathroom door behind him, he went to the door, opened it slowly then carefully poked his head out. His nurse was at the desk writing notes. D*mn. Then he had a stroke of luck. Someone had pressed the call bell and she headed into another room at the other end of the corridor. Niall took his chance and headed down the corridor in the other direction. It opened out into a small square hall. He eyed the elevators nervously then went through the doorway to the stairs. Moving as swiftly but as casually as possible, he went down until he spotted signs indicating the way out. He followed them and was soon leaving the air-conditioned building behind as he stepped out into the Californian sunshine. He stood for a moment to take his bearings then headed the way that would take him to his home. Hopefully, he wouldn't be missed too soon.

Niall trudged wearily down the road. He'd call a cab but he wanted to do that away from the hospital. Finding a quiet spot, he pulled out his phone and called a cab company. He didn't have to wait long before one pulled up and Niall gave him directions. Once he reached his house, he asked the cabbie to wait and he dashed in, quickly threw some stuff into a bag, then raced back out and jumped into the cab. He was struggling to breathe as the walk in the heat, the stress, and the rushing through his house had triggered his asthma. He rummaged quickly in the bag, glad he'd remembered to throw in his inhalers. Holding one to his mouth, he puffed in the medication and relaxed as he felt it do its work and his airways opened again, enabling him to breath more easily.

"We're here, Sir," the driver told Niall, pulling him from his thoughts. "Is this the right place?"

"Yeah," Niall said, pulling out his wallet and paying the man. He climbed out of the car and walked gratefully into the blessed coolness of the building. It was a low key motel, clean but anonymous looking. A good place to hide, Niall thought. Once he'd checked in, he went to his room and collapsed on the bed. He felt dizzy and exhausted. Sleep, I need sleep, he thought. He stood up again and took of his shoes, socks, a T-shirt, and shorts, frowning as he saw how swollen his ankles were. He dismissed the worry though. It was a very hot day and he'd walked a fair distance. He pulled back the covers on the bed and, just in his boxers, slid between the cool sheets and closed his eyes. He was asleep in seconds.

"He'd got to be in the building" the nurse fumed to the security guard. "Look again"

"Ma'am, we've searched everywhere. The footage from the security cameras has been reviewed. A man left room 139, headed down the south corridor. Other cameras show the same man walking out of the building. He's not here" the guard responded patiently. 

"He needs to be found. He's seriously ill. We'll need to involve the police. Someone must have noticed him, the man is a worldwide celebrity." The nurse picked up the phone and placed a call to the correct department. Niall needed to be found and found soon. He didn't realize it, but his kidneys were likely to shut down. After speaking briefly to the person at the other end, she hung up and turned to the guard. "You're to go to Mr. Pearson now, he'll instruct you as to procedure." The guard nodded and walked swiftly away.

"You mean he just walked out and nobody saw him?" Harry was incredulous as he stared at Louis and Liam.

"Nobody" Liam confirmed. The nurse thought he was showering.  F.ck, I thought he was showering. I wasted half an hour waiting for him when I could have been looking for him." Liam said, guilt ridden.

"Li, not your fault" Louis said consolingly. "If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I should have realized he'd do something stupid when he told me he had to get out of the hospital. I thought he was just sounding off. You know how Niall hates doctors and hospitals" Louis reminded them "And I was the one stupid enough to bring in normal clothing, his phone, and his wallet."

"Well, trying to take the blame isn't helping anyone, especially Nialler. We need to find him" Harry spoke firmly. "Now, any ideas where our little lad would go to hide?"

"I've checked his house. He's been there, I'm sure. Some of the drawers were open and his closet door. I checked his medicine cabinet and his inhalers are gone too. But none of his cars have gone." Louis provided all the information he had.

"That means that either he had a friend take him somewhere, or he used a cab," Harry said thoughtfully. "I think it would be more likely he used a cab. Let's get on it". The three men stood and immediately went into action. Liam rang the hospital to update them that Niall had been home and what they suspected he had done, then he followed the other two men out to search for their missing friend.

Niall felt hot and his stomach kept lurching. He stubbled from his bed and into the bathroom where he collapsed in front of the toilet. He lifted the seat and a fountain of vomit rose into his throat and soiled the clean water of the bowl. His stomach felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out. He pushed himself back onto his heels and pulled himself to his feet using the handbasin to support him. Niall turned the tap on and splashed cool water onto his face. He raised his head and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He blinked as he attempted to clear away the black spots in his vision but it was no use. They merged into total blackness and Niall knew no more as his body hit the floor. The only sound in the room was the running tap and Niall's increasingly labored breathing.

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