Just What The Doctor Ordered!

978 47 12

"Thank you for your patience" Doctor Jacobs murmured as he slid into his chair, facing Bobby and Maura. "I appreciate that this must be very traumatic for you both." He gave them both  a weak smile.

"How is our son?" Bobby asked, a slight tremor in his voice though he fought to keep it steady. Maura was silent but her hands, clenched in her lap, betrayed her anxiety.

"Holding his own" the doctor replied, an echo of the last time he used the same phrase. "He is a very sick young man but I do believe that he is not in any immediate danger at this time. He is extremely weak, undoubtedly, but unless we have any unexpected circumstances, he should make a good recovery with both time and careful nursing."

"But he didn't know me!" Maura blurted out "He didn't even remember Louis..or the accident. But he knew Bobby earlier, so why?"

"I believe that Niall is experiencing anaesthesia amnesia. This can happen after anaesthesia in approximately 37% of young patients. It's not usually permanent, lasting maybe three or four days. It's a side effect, if you like."

"Can you treat it?" Bobby immediately wanted to know, worried for his son's mental state.

"Sadly, no.  It's just something that needs time. We will do some scans, just to make sure but there was no damage showing on the scans done when your son was first admitted, so I am confident this memory loss will just be  a temporary blip." The doctor sounded reassuring and both Maura and Bobby visibly relaxed as they listened to his soothing words. "Now, Niall is sleeping and we don't think he'll wake up before tomorrow. Why not go get some rest..things will seem brighter tomorrow." He stood and held out his hand to be shaken. Both Maura and Bobby stood and , after polite goodbyes, headed out to find Liam and Harry, waiting for them.

Louis fretted for the rest of the evening.He swore to himself he'd thump the next person who told him to"relax" and "try not to stress". How could he relax when his questions were either ignored or brushed aside. Doctor Stephens hadn't returned yet. Maybe she never planned to do so. Louis groaned in frustration. Well, if nobody would give him answers, he'd go find them himself. He  aced himself up into a sitting position then gingerly threw the bedding away from his body, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He froze in place as a wave of pain moved through his body, stealing his breath for a few moments. G*d that hurt. Louis took a carefully deep breath then slid his feet to the floor, only having to grip the side of the bed tightly as the entire room spun rapidly around him. He shut his eyes as his vision greyed. Maybe he wasn't being so smart but he had to know the truth. He steadied himself on his feet then slowly released his white knuckled grip on the bed and took a few unsteady steps forward, so concentrated on moving one foot in front of the other, he failed to notice someone entering the room. He jumped in fright when a pair of arms wrapped around him, supporting his flagging body.

"Louis, what the f.....What are you doing?" Doctor Stephens said angrily. "Are you trying to kill yourself? You shouldn't be out of bed. Now, let's get you back". Supporting him, she helped Louis turn and walk the few steps back to the bed. "Hang on " she reached out and pressed the controls on the bed which immediately lowered down do it was easier for Louis to sit down. She swung his lugs up for him then covered him warmly. "Oh Louis, what are we going to do with you" her tone was exasperated.

"You didn't come back. You didn't give me answers" Louis yelled, sounding like a fretful toddler in need of a good nap.

"I had an emergency to deal with  but I'm back now" Marta soothed him. "Here" she held a glass of water so Louis could take a few sips. "Better?" He nodded. 

"Niall?" Louis almost whispered the name. He was desperate to know how his friend was, yet he was also petrified that he wouldn't like what he'd hear. He squeezed his eyes shut, fists clenched. He bit his lip in concentration as the doctor began to explain what Niall was going through. His body slowly began to relax. Exhaustion and the result of the recent stress took it's toll and Louis fell into sleep. Doctor Stephens smiled as she covered her patient even more warmly then quietly left the room. Sleep, proper ,relaxed sleep, was just what the doctor ordered.

"You ready mate?" Liam asked Louis as he watched his bandmate shove things haphazardly into a bag.

"More than ready" Louis replied as he scanned his hospital room. "Can we go see Nialler before we go?"

"Sure, come on then" Liam took the bag from Louis and slung it over his own shoulder and led the way out. It had been a rough few days but both Niall and Louis had made rapid strides forward in improved health. Louis, to the point where he was being discharged and Niall had been moved to a normal room, memory finally restored. His parents had both felt able to return to Ireland, leaving him in the capable hands of his friends. Niall had been secretly relieved . He loved his parents but a man could only take so much fussing from his mother.

"Li, Lou" Niall called out in delight as the two men entered his room. He shuffled  about in the bed, pushing himself upright to hug the lads. " You going home now, Lou?" he asked, feeling somewhat jealous that his friend was escaping from the hospital.

"Yeah, but we'll be here every day, bro" Louis replied. "Look, Ni, I'm just so sorr....."

"Shut it Louis" Niall said cheerfully., cutting him off mid apology. "It wasn't your fault. I insisted on going out so let's just leave it there." Louis nodded but he found it hard to forgive himself despite Niall's reassurances.

"Any clue when you'll be allowed home, Ni" Liam immediately wanted to know.

"Few days...maybe....then back for tests. There's some kind of experimental treatment but...well...they want to discuss it with me." Niall shrugged. 

"Does it sound promising?" Louis wanted to know.

"Is it dangerous?" Liam asked and, both he and Louis exchanged looks. The thought of Niall trying something that could backfire worried them both. They knew how upset he was about being sick that they were afraid he'd do something silly.

"Dunno yet" Niall said. "It's got to be discussed still."

"Mate, you won't do anything rash will you?" Liam bit his lip nervously.

"Me?" Niall laughed "Don't you trust me, lads?"

"NO' both men replied bluntly.

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