As Long As It Doesn't Involve Tattoos

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A/N This is what happens when you can't sleep.

Maura and Niall ended up talking most of the night and it left Niall feeling even more guilty for everything he'd put his parents through. He had to blink back tears when his mother said how hurt she'd been by Niall not allowing her to visit , only to 'disappear'. And now she knew that Bobby had known all along what was happening, well......."

"Mammy, I can't say sorry enough" Niall said as he cuddled into his mother. "I was just so messed up. I was being selfish, seeing only how it affected me. I really didn't mean to hurt you, Ma"

"Well, and you did" Maura said, wiping tears from her own eyes. "Niall, I know Im always fuss in' over you but I'm your Ma. You'll always be my baby. I just want to protect you from everything and it pains me to know that I can't. I know you're  a grown man but you're my little boy."

"Oh, Ma. I'm sorry" Niall sounded so upset and guilt ridden that Maura felt her own anger and hurt flow away.

"Just promise me, you'll not shut me out again, baby" Maura said quietly.

"Never" Niall agreed and gave his mother a watery smile. " It's late" he commented suddenly seeing the time. "Honey and milk?" he asked  for his mother's favorite way of  aiding him to sleep when he was little and he'd woken from a bad dream. Maura smiled and nodded then bustled into the kitchen. Niall looked after her. He'd been such a selfish brat he told himself.

"Are you happy about the way this will go?" James asked Niall as they sat together in Niall's dressing room. "There will be no way of taking it back once it's out there"

"No choice, James. You can see that. The media lies just keep going and the so called 'sources' " Niall spat the name out  vehemently   " are  getting more and more ridiculous. I have to do something." James nodded in agreement. He had been close friends with all the boys and hated to see them treated badly.

"Right, then this is what I propose asking" he handed Niall a sheet of paper and Niall read it through carefully. "Anything you want to alter....or add?" He raised an eyebrow. Niall shook his head. "Then we'll do this. Ni?" he wanted until Niall glanced up  ' It will be OK" Niall nodded but his expression was bleak.

"And tonight I have an extra special guest with's my Irish mate, Niall Horan!" James Corden announced to enthusiastic applause from the studio audience. "It's great to have you with us, Niall. How's it going?"

"James, thanks for having me. It's good to be back" Niall smiled but James noticed it didn't quite reach his eyes which looked clouded with worry.

"You've the couch all to yourself today....none of your bandmates does that feel?" James asked.

"More roomy!" Niall said with a fake grin "I can spread out" and he lounged back more making an effort to play along with James. 

"Are you seeing much of the lads?" James continued the interview.

"Yeah, I saw Harry,Liam and Louis in London a few months ago" Niall's voice saddened when he recalled exactly why the four of them had been together. "And I saw Zayn at the AMAs".

"How's the album coming along..will we hear it soon?"

"I'm working hard on it. I have added a few songs, removed some that I don't feel were quite right. I'm not rushing because I want it to be perfect."

"Judging by 'This Town", I think you'll  achieve that. Have you heard any of the other boys music?" James continued.

"Well, definitely heard Louis 'Just hold on" it was sic. Harry and Liam are both busy doing their albums and I know they'll be great. We all had a chat about our solo projects when we met up in London at the end of last year."  Everyone knew when Niall was talking about so Niall didn't feel the need to elaborate. Louis had needed his brothers and they didn't let him down. Niall himself had flown to the UK and back in 23hours just to support his 'brother'.

"It's great you guys are staying in touch and are friends. There are always so many rumours flying about  rifts and fights within the band. Good to hear they aren't true." James smiled then his face went serious as he began to tackle the real reason Niall was his guest tonight. "Now there are some rumours flying about concerning you, Niall. .....that you have been treated for drug addiction at an Arizonan clinic. Any truth in that?"

"Every rumour often has a grain of truth in it" Niall said, sitting upright again. "In this case, I was at a clinic in Arizona but not due to a drug addiction. I don't do drugs and never have. The real reason behind my stay was because I've been diagnosed with a serious health condition." Niall twisted his fingers together nervously as he spoke.

"That doesn't sound good, Niall" James tone was sympathetic. He already knew the whole story and understood Niall's need to get it out in public but he felt badly for the poor lad because he wasn't able to have anything in his life private.

"Nope" Niall agreed. "Anyway I have been diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ..SLE. though most people will know it by it's more regularly used name....Lupus. Unfortunately I have had a hard time accepting this and didn't do too great a job at looking after myself and ended up in hospital a few times as a result. In the end it was decided that a stay at  the clinic would give me a chance to rest up and get to terms with the Lupus and how it will be managed while staying out of the spotlight." There he had said it, it was out in the open.

"Why the secrecy then? It's not something  to hide, surely ?" James prodded gently but Niall knew he would.

"Well, I think living life in the public eye has benefits and drawbacks. Obviously I owe a lot to the fans because we'd not be where we are without them but sometimes we need time to work out our problems away from public scrutiny...and for me, this was one of those times. I have to confess that I even hide it from my Ma....sorry Ma...because I was having trouble dealing with it."

"And are you dealing with it?" James asked. He nudged a bottle of water towards Niall as he saw a thin sheen of sweat break out on the man's forehead. The studio was hot under the lights but Niall was only wearing a thin shirt and jeans. His complexion was pale and slightly green and James was beginning to feel alarmed. Niall snagged the bottle gratefully and chugged down the cool water.

"Yeah, I think so. I was taught relaxation exercises, correct ways to take the medication I require, best diet and stuff. I also worked with a great guy, Dave , who helped with the emotional and mental side of dealing with the illness. I gave him a pretty hard time with my stubbornness but he's forgiven me and we're great friends now . It's a learning curve, to be honest" Niall gave a small smile.

"And how will this impact your terms of  making more albums, touring, promoting and everything that goes with it?" James knew that was the one thing everyone really wanted to know.

"Well, I'll need to stay on top of my health now, rest more, eat more skipping  out of medical appointments" Niall grinned sheepishly."But, if I'm sensible, life will be fairly normal. The illness is subject to flareups but these can be kept to a minimum if I'm sensible. And I'll just have to deal with any serious ones if they happen.

"And no hiding when you are really sick...." James said cheekily

"No, lesson learnt" Niall said, his face colouring with embarrassment. "That was extremely stupid of me. I caused  a lot of worry to the lads and extra work to the Police . I apologised at the time, but I'll do it again...publicly . Oh, and I'd like to give a 'shout out' to Patience, the girl who helped them find me" Niall sweetly blew a kiss to the camera.

"Well here's to a healthier  you. Now how do you feel about a little game, my friend?"

"So long as it doesn't involve tattoos, I'm up for it" Niall laughed loudly

"I think that went well" James said when the show had finished. You're trending on Twitter....all good stuff."

"There'll be some hate in there" Niall replied as he sat down heavily on a chair. He felt drained and his heart seemed to be beating far too fast. He felt that it would pound it's way out of his chest. His vision blurred slightly and he croaked out "James" before his body slid to the floor in a heap.

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