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Niall looked at  the Cardiologist, Stephen Radcliff, his eyebrows drawn together slightly as the man explained the various tests he wanted Niall to have done. Niall just wished he understood it all. Why didn't doctors just talk in ways patients could understand. It was annoying.

"We'll get started in the morning then, Niall" Stephen said . "Don't worry about it, it is all routine but Lupus can affect the heart so we need to make sure we're on top of things."

"Ummm..are you expecting any problems?" Niall asked, biting his lip nervously. "I you think the  Lupus has done any damage.... to my heart, I mean?"

"Niall, I don't know anything until these tests are completed. As I said, they are routine tests. Nothing to get yourself stressed over. We'll see what we find and take it from there. I'll see you tomorrow." He held out his hand and Niall took it, and they shook hands. Once the man had gone, Niall stood in front of the window and stared out. He was quite high up and the traffic noise was muted though the sound of sirens could be easily heard. He was soon wrapped up in his thoughts, unable to stop himself from imagining all kinds of complications.

"Knock,knock" a cheerful voice called out and Louis bounced into the room, full of energy. Niall was so lost in in his depressing thoughts that Louis sudden arrival made him jump, making  his heart pound.

"Bro, you scared me" Niall said, hand on his chest as he turned to face his friend. "That just took ten years off my life."

"Sorry, mate" Louis chirped, obviously not sorry. "Just thought I'd come see how you were doing. You've not answered any of my texts or calls and I got worried."

"Sorry, sorry. " Niall looked slightly shame faced. "I just.....I" he shrugged. Louis waved a dismissive hand.

"No worries, bro. I understand. You OK though?" Louis gave Niall a serious look as he joined him at the window. Niall turned back to look at the view again, shrugging once more. "Niall?" Louis prompted.

"Yeah, I guess. They got the flareup under control. It's just tests and stuff before they start trying various treatments ,to see which ones suit me the best."

"Then that's cool, isn't it?" Louis looked confusedly at Niall who was frowning heavily now. "I mean, get the right combo and you're good to go..yeah?"

"Yeah, it's just that they keep talking about possible  damage to my heart and kidneys. What if there is damage, Lou? What about tours and stuff? Making music is all I ever really want to do."

"Bro, have they said there has been some damage done?" Louis asked, face serious.

"No, but..."

"Then don't get worked up about it until you know  how things stand" Louis interrupted "Remember what my granddad was always saying? "Don't borrow tomorrows worries for today."

You're right" Niall sighed. "He was right. Guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Bad habit. I'm working on it. Dave says I'm improving."

"That you are, that you are." Louis said positively. "Dave is a great guy and if he says  you'll get better, then you will. You'll always have the Lupus,  mate, but you'll deal better with it. ". 

"True..." Niall replied. "Hey Lou, can we get out of here before I go mad?" Louis stared at him, puzzled

"Bro, are you allowed out? " Louis wanted to know.

"Into the grounds, yeah, but I meant 'out' out, if you know what I mean." Niall looked at Louis hopefully. "Dave sneaks me out" he added.

"Ni, I'm not sure that's a good idea, mate" Louis understood Niall felt trapped here but he wasn't sure leaving without permission was a good idea." What if something happened?"

" Like what? I spill coffee down myself? Lou, please!" Niall begged, blue eyes staring into him, willing him to agree. "Just for an hour?"

"Mate, I dunno. I mean, is it wise?" Louis said anxiously.

"Lou, please" Niall begged."Just let's go to Starbucks or something. Or Nandos?" he added hopefully. Nandos would be great. Hospital food sucked. "Please, Lou?" Niall looked at him, his blue eyes pleading.

"OK, OK" Louis caved in holding up his hands in surrender. "But just an hour, no longer"

"Yay! Thanks Lou" Niall cheered. He started to head out of the room then stopped. "Ummh, Louis? Can I borrow your hoodie to wear..just until we get clear of the nurses don't take too much notice of me?" Louis looked puzzled but took his hoodie off and handed it to Niall who immediately pulled it on over his Tshirt and covered his head with the hood, putting his face into shadow. "Right, let's go."

Nobody took any notice of the two young men as they passed the nurses station then headed towards the elevators. Niall paled slightly as the elevator doors closed, encasing him in the small space, but fortunately the decent to the entrance lobby only took seconds. then they were out and walking through the doors into the hot sunshine. Niall smiled. Freedom!

"That was good" Niall said after draining the last of his coffee."They aren't too keen letting me have coffee for some reason. I guess we'd better head back now" he said reluctantly "..before they really miss me."

"Yeah. I don't fancy any of those nurses coming at me with sharp needles  just cos I spirited you out" Louis said laughingly. "Seriously though, mate. We don't want any trouble and you do need to look after yourself."

"I know" Niall sighed. "It's just that I want to be able to do things when I want to do them. I'm sick of having to eat when they say, nap when they decide. "

"I understand, Ni, I really do, but your track record for looking after yourself isn't the greatest. We all want the same thing for you, Nialler. We want you to be healthy again." Louis tone was serious, far different from his normal cheeky speech. "Lets get back" He turned the key in the ignition and the car roared into life.

"You're insecure, don't know what for...." the two lads bellowed, singing along with the radio. They were enjoying the last few moments of freedom as Louis made the turn into busy route back to the hospital. He caught the glimse of a truck barreling towards him and he immediate turned the steering wheel hard trying to evade the oncoming vehicle. There was bang, a flash of light, metal screaming in protest...................then silence.

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