F.ck You Neil

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He was furious. He had been outnumbered and his opinion dismissed as unimportant. He wasn't prepared to stomach it any longer. Even though some time had passed since he had disagreed with the two other doctors, he couldn't let them get away with this. He was a Doctor! He saved people, he didn't play with their health. They were just using a frail, sick man to try and prove that their theories were right. The patient meant nothing. Doctor Adams tried to convince himself he was in the right. He was angry and anger was a dangerous emotion. He didn't stop to think of the repercussions. He picked up the phone and dialed the number he had had for a few weeks. He had to speak out, he told himself. It was the right thing to do, he told himself. Once the call was answered, he spoke rapidly.

A few days had passed by with seemingly no real change in Niall's condition. His family had become exhausted by the strain of the situation added to their constant vigil. In the end, it had been decided that they should take turns either staying with the young man and currently Margaret Nolan, his grandmother, was taking her turn.

"You look so much like your Ma," she said softly. "You have your Da's eyes but sure you look like my Maura." She paused as she studied her grandson before continuing. "Nialler, I wish you'd wake up. Please?" Her quiet voice had the lilt of Ireland in it and, though she wasn't aware of it, it was the sound of home, of peace and safety to the small lad lying so still and quiet. Somehow his grandmother's voice was managing to infiltrate the deep blackness where he floated. Part of him was somehow aware of her, the comfort of her voice. He drifted as he listened. Margaret Nolan talked softly on, telling tales of when Niall was younger, peppering her gentle, one-sided conversation, with " Do you remember, Niall when...."

"Time to go get some rest Mrs. Nolan" Caleb had entered the room, accompanied by Noah. "We've just got to take a look at Niall" He smiled sympathetically at the old woman, who stood up, stiff from having sat so still. "Get some sleep, you can come back in the morning." He assisted her out of the room, allowing Noah to start the new round of tests.

"It makes no sense at all" Noah turned to Caleb later that night, handing a sheaf of papers. "It's like there is a war going on in his body. One moment I think he'll make it, next he is fighting for his life." Caleb studied the test results, then handed them back to Noah, who flung them down on his desk in disgust. "I wish the lab would hurry with the resent test results. This waiting is killing me." He glared at the clock on the wall. "What's keeping them?" He growled angrily. "It's like he's stuck in some kind of limbo. All the tests are telling us that he should be awake and in recovering, yet he's still in some twilight zone, neither awake nor in a coma. I just don't know anymore." Noah ran a hand through his hair as he stared down back down at his notes. Caleb patted his shoulder sympathetically not refrained from making any comment. After all, what could he say? Noah was right, nothing made sense.

The room grew silent as both men studied their various notes, other emitting the occasional sigh as they read. They were so engrossed in the work that they jumped when there was a per functionary knock on the door, and Mr. Hayes-Hamilton entered, a newspaper in his hand.

"Have either of you seen this?" He demanded. His cultured voice was tight with anger as he passed the newspaper to Caleb. "It also all over the news, and the backlash has already started".

"Pop Sensation Niall Horan being used as a medical Guinea Pig. Doctors are playing with his life!" The headlines screamed.

"Where the fu......Where did this come from?" Caleb shouted, his voice laced with anger. He threw the paper down on the desk where Noah instantly grabbed it and started reading the entire story. as Caleb yelled "We kept this quiet at Niall's request. Who blabbed?"

"Doctor Adams" Noah said quietly. He wasn't happy at the time if you remember. We knew he disapproved but I never thought he'd do this to us. Never. What now?" he looked at Gordon Hayes-Hamilton.

"We speak to Niall's family, see what they say and then we see how we can deal with this so it causes as little damage as possible. This trial needs to continue. If we just knew what we are missing. The results show that the Lupus has been irradicated from his body. But we need to know why he's not coming out of this. And we need answers now!" He picked up the abandoned paper and headed out of the door. "I just don't know how we'll deal with this."

As the days had slipped by, Niall's entire family were losing hope that he would ever recover. He was being artificially fed, his entire care dependant on the medical staff and he remained trapped in his own little world. Occasionally he appeared to be smiling, his lips moving as if he was talking to someone though he never made a sound. Louis often found himself studying Niall's face when this happened, wishing he knew what was going on inside Niall's head. And now, added to the situation, was the drama Doctor Adams had created. This was an added complication that they could have well done without.

After yet another night with no apparent change in Niall's condition, Niall's family had gone to rest and now it was Louis who again sat with him. He was chirping on telling Niall what had been happening with everyone. He was finding it hard to maintain the flow, hating that Niall was just lying there. The strain finally burst through him and he started yelling at his mate. "F.ck you, Neil.. wake up!" He stood up, pushing the chair aside and went and stood looking out of the window, one arm braced on the window frame as he glared, unseeing at the street below.

"Don't call me Neil"

Louis froze momentarily then turned his head towards the bed.

"Niall?" Louis whispered. "Niall?"

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