Maybe It Wasn't A Dream

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Noah looked up from his desk as his two colleagues walked in. "And?" he asked anxiously.

"Well, I think it went OK. The media really attacked us but we've managed to control the situation. And Niall is still with us. G*d, I wish that doctor had kept his mouth shut. This is likely to affect us for some time."  Caleb flopped into a chair and closed his eyes. "I'd better go check on Niall" he murmured before reluctantly opening his eyes and standing up. "See you later."

Niall lay looking at the ceiling trying to process his feelings. Had he really been with Granny Horan? But that was impossible. Granny H was dead, had died a few years ago. But his conversation had been so real. He'd seen her, talked with her. was a had to be. His musings were interrupted when Caleb walked into his room, a tired smile on his face.

"Well, you're a medical miracle my friend" Caleb announced as he completed his examination. "There are no signs of the Lupus, you seem totally symptom-free. A miracle. We thought we'd lost you so many times and yet you are still here and getting stronger every day."

"You lost me?" Niall queried, slightly shaken "Like I nearly died?"

"Not nearly, Niall. You did die several times. A few times we had to shock you to restart your heart. And this last time, well I can't explain it. You'd died. No heartbeat, nothing. Then all of a sudden you just came back, opened your eyes and..well, I can't explain it. Only G*d knows what happened. You get some rest now. You'll need plenty of rest, good food and good care and we'll have you up and running in no time." Caleb nodded and left. 

Niall shook his head in wonder then lowered the head of his bed so he was able to comfortably stare back up at the ceiling again.  This needed to thought about. This was no dream, it had happened, it had really happened. "" he whispered in awe. He recalled the words he'd heard Granny Horan say to him: "You made the right choice, A leanbh. You chose to live. Just remember that for me you'll be my share of life. Live it well."  He remembered to look on his Ma's face when he'd opened his eyes and her plea for him not to leave her again. He smiled to himself. He would be his granny's share of life....just like she asked him.

"Are you sure you are up to this mate?" Louis asked anxiously. "I mean, you've only just been discharged from the hospital and you still look like shite ."

"Thanks, that's really making me feel good" Niall gave Louis a gentle cuff around the ear. "Yeah, I'm sure. I just want to get this over with, go home, get drunk, and write some good songs. Let's get this done." Accompanied by Louis, Caleb, Noah and Mr. Hayes-Hamilton, Niall prepared to face the media questions that the hospital had set up. 

Niall flopped on to his couch and looked around his home. The media conference had been brutal, worse than he had expected, but it was over now. He could relax and allow his Ma to spoil him as he got his life back to normal. He may be a grown man but sometimes, just sometimes, it was nice to be looked after. He sighed contently. Nothing to do but rest and relax. Even doctors' appointments wouldn't break his peace.

"Well, I think this is the final appointment you'll need" Caleb announced cheerfully. You are still clear of the Lupus. Your immune system is not too strong and it may take years it to improve if it does. But the main thing is, you're healthy. Just take care of you, promise? Yearly checkups with your Primary Care doctor, try not to overdo stuff. Who am I kidding?" Caleb grinned. "You'll just carry on being Niall."

"You know it!" Niall grinned back. "Seriously, though. It was a rough ride but I'm grateful. I know it will be a long time before Lupus is cured but I guess you and Noah will get this treatment working so it isn't so horrible.I'm just lucky I'm through it." He stretched out his hand and Caleb took it to shake only to be tugged into Niall's signature "Horan Hug.

"I'm Baaaacckkkk" Niall yelled. "And I'm not F............cking going anywhere". He played the opening chords as the fans screamed in delight. Niall Horan was back.

The End.

Thank you for reading. I am so sorry this story got put on pause but for a good reason. Martha was born 2/10/2020. She is still needing a lot of care but we can now cuddle her for short lengths of time.

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