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My heart is beating fast. I can hear it. It says, "Lub dub." Is it because of excitement? Or because I'm nervous?

"Are you ready?" My dad asked me. I looked at him and nodded. "My little princess is getting married." A tear escaped from my left eye. This is the first time I've seen my dad cry like this. I have never seen him tear up because of happiness. This is it. I'm getting married.

"Let's go?" My mom said. I clinged my arms to theirs.

A familiar wedding song played as I walked down the aisle. I saw may friends and relatives smiling and taking a picture of me. I saw Nabongs smiling while she carry Yoona and Jeongyeon is beside her, taking pictures, too. I smiled at the picture I'm seeing right now. Me walking down the aisle while he's waiting at the altar.

This day couldn't be more perfect!

I saw Kookie beside him. He's smiling and I know why. Him and Tzuyu will be getting married next year. I know that he can't wait for that moment.

Like all traditional weddings, my wedding's motif is color white.

While we're walking, I suddenly remembered our love story.

The first time we met...

Our petty little fights...

Everytime my period strikes, he'll find a way to soothe my pain...

The time he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes...

The moment I introduced him to my parents, and he did the same...

That special moment he asked my hand in marriage...

And all those tears I shed at that time...

Finally, we reached at Tae's. We stopped and I tried my best not to cry. At this moment, my parents will let go of me. I will not be Minatozaki Sana anymore, but a Kim. Kim Sana will be my name after my wedding.

"Take good care of my daughter, Tae." Dad said as he handed me over Tae. I looked at my dad and he's tearing up. I immediately hugged him and promised him that he will always be my first love.

"Sana..." Tae uttered. I looked at him and smiled. "...I'm so sorry." My eyebrows crossed.

He ran.

He ran away from me.

All I could do is watch him running away from me. I can hear whispers from the guests, but all I can hear is my heart getting ripped.

I ran towards him. I followed Tae outside the church. Thankfully, my eyes can still see him. My feet followed him. He's running so fast.

And then I stopped when he also stopped. He sat down on a swing. I walked towards him, carrying my white gown.

"T-Tae," I called him. He faced me and it made his eyebrows cross. I can't help but to cry. "Tae, w-why did you run away?" He didn't answer me.

I have so many questions inside my head. Is he scared? Is he scared to commit? Does he not love me?

Does he love me, as much as I love him?

He was about to stand up and turn his back on me, but I stopped him. I hugged him and cried on his back.

"T-Tae, don't l-leave me." I begged him. I felt his hand on my hands. "Stay, please."

"L-Let go, Sana." Tae said. "Don't make yourself suffer."

The clouds cried with me.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now