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I opened the piggy bank I have in my room. I became bothered when I noticed that it became lighter. It's not as heavy as it is last month. Maybe when I started courting Sana, it became lighter.

And then I found some paper moneys and some coins inside. This is not what I expect of. I expect that it will have lots of money.

Maybe I can't pay for the dormitory fee for this month.

Someone knocked on the door so I immediately hid it and opened the door. It's Sana.

"Good morning," she greeted and entered my room while holding a tray of breakfast.

"What is that for?" I asked her. I walked beside her and fixed my bed. "It's early."

"I figured out that you're not having breakfast yet, so I made one for you." She chuckled. This squirrel.

"What's that?"

"My best dish."

"Spring rolls?" She nodded. I pinched her cheeks because she's so damn cute. "Kyeopta."

"Ya! Don't pinch my cheeks! These are precious!" She held my hands and stopped me from pinching her cheeks.

"More precious than me?"

"Of course!" She said and threw my hands. "Just eat, Tae. Good morning." She said and placed the tray beside the side table.

"Why are you walking away?" I asked her because she's beside the doorway already.

"Calm down, Tae. I'm not leaving you. I'll just get your milk." She said and smiled. And then she walked downstairs.

While Sana is getting my milk, my phone rang. My sister is calling!

"Noona!" I greeted my sister. "I missed you so much! Why did you call?"

"T-Taehyung..." my eyebrows crossed when I heard her voice. It's like she's struggling because of pain. "...c-can I s-stay with y-you?"

"Why, noona?" I asked her. I'm sensing a bad thing.

"P-Please, T-Tae, just give m-me the address first. I-I wanna get out of this h-hell." She pleaded, so I gave her the address immediately. She thanked me and I told her that I will fetch her but she refused.

"But, noona--"

"P-Please, Tae. I-I'll be fine. Expect me tonight." And she ended the call.
"Tae," Sana entered my room. "Here." She handed me the glass of milk.

"What took you so long?" I asked her and placed it aside.

"I saw you talking to someone. I gave you privacy." She smiled. "I'll go now. I have to do something."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem," she said and exited the door. And I started eating.


"Chim," I called Jimin.

"Tae! Why did you call?" He asked.

"Do you know any job openings?" I asked him and the other line became silent. "I know it's surprising, but please help me."

"Why? I mean, why are you looking for a job?" He asked me.

"I'm getting broke." I frankly said. I heard him sigh, "Help me with this, Chim."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now