f o r t y - f i v e

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"CONGRATULATIONS!" We all hugged and greeted each other. We're all graduates of senior high right now. They could all go to college and pursue their dreams. Well, except for me. Mr. Choi died and I almost didn't graduate. He was the one that paid for my tuition fee and other miscellaneous fees. His family migrated to the States.

I'm not going to go to college since my savings aren't enough. I'll just start working for me and my sister.

"Let's congratulate these three," Nayeon pointed Namjoon, Yoongi and Mina. Namjoon chuckled while Yoongi didn't give us any reaction. Mina blushed and covered her face with her hands. "The geniuses of our class."

"Congratulations, you guys." Jihyo greeted them. "Treat us!"

"Yeah! Treat us!" Jimin agreed. "Especially you, Mina! You're rich!"

"What the heck, Jimin?" Mina chuckled. "I have no money."

"No money? Really?" I wriggled both of my eyebrows up and down. Mina sighed in frustration. "I'm just kidding, you hot-headed penguin."

"You're pissing me off." Mina said. I laughed.

"That might turn into a fight if you don't stop teasing each other." Jin pointed me and Mina.

"I'm pretty sure that Jin will be a guidance counselor." Kookie joked. We all laughed at his statement. "What course do you guys want to take?"

"Business management?" Jin answered, unsure. "I don't know. I want to manage a restaurant someday."

"That's good!" Momo clapped her hands. This shikshin. "Whenever we come to your restaurant, you'll give us 100% discount!"

"No way, pabo." Jin laughed and Momo rolled her eyes. "I'll be bankrupted."

"Picture!" Mina's mom came in with a digital camera on her hands. We lined up and took a picture together. "Congratulations, guys!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Myoui." We thanked her.

"KYAAAAA! Taehyung oppa!" I turned my head to see who yelled my name. And there is this bunch of girls that crowded me immediately.


"Taehyung oppa!"


They all screamed. I signalled Namjoon and the others to help me. Since they are also handsome, I asked my fangirls to take pictures with the others instead. I got out of the crowd and watched my friends get crowded by my fangirls.

"Wow, it's a school holiday today, but your fangirls went here to take pictures with you," Dahyun said and we chuckled. "How handsome."

"Thank you," I smirked.

"Not you! Jimin!" He pointed at Chim that is taking a selca with the girls.

I frowned. "I hate you."

"Hate me, too." I rolled my eyes at Dahyun. How sarcastic is she?

"Tae! I have something to say," Mina made a gesture that probably says that she wants me to go to her.

"What is it?" I asked her and walked towards her.

She tiptoed to reach my ear and whispered, "After our celebration."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now