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The flashback of Taesana's love story will start here.



"Buy a box of facial tissue, your face might get dirty." Mom said while pushing the cart.

"Can I buy three boxes?" I asked her, flashing my cute face.

"Stop doing that, Sana." Mom said. I pouted. And then she sighed. "Two boxes."

"Okay! Thanks!" I kissed her cheeks and ran to the bathroom section. I really hate it when my face gets polluted.

I grabbed two large boxes of facial tissue and went back to mom. I caught her reading a chocolate's nutrition facts.

"Why did you grab the large ones?" She asked. Her eyes are still fixed at the chocolate. "Tsk, you're a waste of money, Sana."

"Please, mom. I don't want to get my face dirty. Do you want your daughter to be ugly?" I asked her but she just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You're such a joker, Sana." She started pushing the cart after placing the chocolate back on the rack. "Do you still have shampoo left?" I nodded while looking at the products sitting on the bench. "Biscuits?"

"Yes! Yes!" I excitedly ran to the biscuit section of the grocery store. I was about to take a pack of Oreo when someone grabbed it. I looked at the man beside me and he's just looking at me.

"Do you want it?" He asked. Do I want it? Of course! Where is the common sense of this man?

"Of course, I want it." I sarcastically said.

"Then grab another one." He said and smiled. What did he just do to my heart? My heart is freaking beating fast right now! "Because.." he neared his face to mine while smirking. "...this is mine." And he turned his back on me.

Seriously, what just happened?

I was left dumbfounded at that time. But I realized I look stupid staring somewhere, so I took the pack of Oreo and went back to mom.

"Where have you been, Sana?" Mom asked. "I thought you were lost."

"I read the nutrition facts of this biscuit," I raised the pack of Oreo on my hands. "It took me time."

"Alright." She sighed. "Is that all you need?" I nodded. "Let's go to the cashier."


We're at the department store right now. I told my mom that I'm going to buy a new bathrobe and a new pair of house slippers.

I saw a cute pink bathrobe. I took it and looked at the size of it. It's says, L which probably means large. I searched for some salesmen around and I found one.

"Excuse me, sir," I interrupted a salesman. "Do you still have--"

"Do I look like a salesman to you?" He cut me. I looked at his face and got surprised as I realized that this man was the same guy earlier inside the grocery store! "Pink? How girly."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now