t w e n t y - e i g h t

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"Congratulations!" Kookie and the gang congratulated the two after the event. I stayed silent.

Tae walked towards me and hugged me.

"Congrats," I awkwardly greeted him. He sensed that there's something wrong.

"Hey, guys, we'll just talk privately." The gang nodded and I took Tae outside the venue. He looked at me and smiled. "What's wrong, squirrel?"

I honestly don't know how to say this to Tae. This is a very important matter.

"T-Tae..." I held both of his hands. "...your g-grandma died." As soon as I say this, a tear from his left eye fell.

I hugged him and let him cry on my shoulder. Hearing his sobs make me cry. He loves his grandma so much.

The gang saw us and was about to walk towards us, but I prohibited them. It looked like they knew what I was trying to say so they left us.

Tae stopped crying and escaped from my hug. I took my handkerchief and used it to wipe Tae's tears. He looks so pitiful. His eyes and nose are red.

No matter how much I wipe his tears, they keep on falling and falling. He can't stop crying. This is a lot to take in for him.

He didn't say anything. He just continued on crying until he stopped. Honestly, I really don't want him to stop because it's hard to keep your emotions inside. Even though you have to be strong on the outside, you still have to let your emotions out because that what makes you strong. It means that you're a normal human being. Getting hurt physically and emotionally.

But seeing him this way, makes me so unsure. He acted this way when he lost his grandma and it hurted me to see him cry. If I will leave him, he will act this way again. And I cannot let him cry like that again.

I am torn between my parents and Tae. I don't know what should I do.

But that's not important right now. I have to comfort Tae. I will not think about it for a minute.


"Congrats, Tae!" Kookie greeted Tae, but he didn't even bother to look at him. I gave Kookie a meaningful look and he got it, so he walked away from us.

Throughout the day, I didn't leave Tae's side. Even though we're just sitting inside our classroom and doing nothing, I didn't leave him. I don't want to.

Everytime I get hungry or what, I'll just text Momo or Kookie to buy me some food. I tried sharing my food with Tae, but he's not giving me his attention.

It hurts, alright, to get rejected, but I'll just understand Tae. I will never get tired of understanding him although he looks so scary and his aura is fearsome today.

THAT is just for today.

I'm fearing that Tae will continue this kind of interaction between us.

"Tae," I called him, but he didn't bothered to take a glance. "C-Classes are already dismissed, d-do you want to go home now?" Of course, I got no answer from him.

He's just staring somewhere. His face is expressionless and his eyes are blank. I can see no emotions from his eyes, but I feel the heavy burden that he's carrying. I want to atleast help him with the weight of that burden. I can't stand seeing him in a way like this. I would rather be with the annoying Tae than with this scary Tae.

He suddenly stood up and grabbed his bag. He wore it and left me. I followed him and reached for his wrist while he's walking. His pace is getting faster and faster. I am being dragged by him.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now