f i f t y - s e v e n

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Today, Tae will be meeting my parents. He already have met my parents before when we were in high school. The time in the coffee shop after the sleepover at Momo's house. My parents came in and I introduced him to them. Our first kiss also happened that day.

It was unforgettable.

We have arrived in Osaka minutes ago. We're on our way to my parent's house. I already have informed my parents that me and my fiancé (I just love to call him that) will be visiting them. I have to formally introduce my man to my parents, right?

We walked towards our house and when we finally reached it, I pressed the doorbell and waited for my mom to come out. She opened the gate and gave me a tight hug.

"Aww, I miss you, mom." I hugged her back.

"I miss you, too, sweetie." She escaped from the hug and noticed Tae behind me. She gave me a wicked grin. "Come in. I have prepared snacks for you, guys."

"Where's dad, mom?" I asked her as we enter our house. I looked around our old house and a smile on my face was formed.

"He left work, so he could spend a day with us." She snickered and assisted us. She gave us a tray full of Japanese delicacies. She also served us beverages. "Your dad will be home soon. He just went to the grocery store to buy the ingredients that he needs in order for him to make us a satisfying dinner."

"Ah," I nodded and just smiled. I think this will be the perfect time for me to introduce Tae. "Mom, you remember Tae, right?" I asked her.

"Oh yes, I remember you, dear." Tae smiled awkwardly when mom said that. "You're my daughter's boyfriend before, right? When you were still in high school?" I translated it for Tae.

"Yes, that's right, ma'am." Tae answered her, but of course, I translated it for her again. "I would like to ask your permission if I could marry Sana." I was a bit astonished when he said it frankly.  Slow down, Kim Taehyung. Mom was waiting for the translation, so I told her what did he say.

Mom chuckled, "I'm permitting you to marry my daughter."

"Mom!" I yelled and then she asked me why. "How could you just give me away?"

"What?" She asked laughingly. "I have seen the ring, sweetie. There's no reason for me to forbid you." Tae laughed and I glared at him. This man. Maybe he got the idea because of Mom's actions. Maybe he saw how mom looked at the engagement ring. We all heard a buzz. We all knew that it was dad who's outside the house.

So mom stood up, exited the house and let dad in. We were already hearing his voice even though he's still outside. He entered with paper bags on his hand. We stood up and greeted dad. He greeted us back and said that he'll be back.

"Are you tired?" Tae asked me. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Why would I be tired? We just got here." I answered him. He took my hand and held it. He never let go of it even when dad came back.

"You're translating everything they said." He pouted. "I wish I studied Japanese."

"I'll teach you, then." I answered and pinched his fluffy cheeks.

"You guys are cute." I heard dad said. I blushed and faced him. He laughed, "Don't blush, princess."

"Dad!" I pouted and hid my red face. Tae is just looking at me and I know that he doesn't have any idea what is dad saying. "Ya! Don't look at me!" He laughed at me even more.

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