f o r t y - o n e

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Yuta called me first thing in the morning. Today's supposed to be my last day here in Seoul, but as the Minatozaki Sana, I found my ways to stay here.

"Good morning, Minatozaki." He greeted. I wiped my eyes and yawned. I'm still very sleepy.

"What do you want?" I asked after yawning.

"Morning voice, huh?" He chuckled. "Do you really want to transfer the headquarters there?"

"Why not?" I asked him. I sat down and leaned on the headboard of the bed. I looked at Tae that is sleeping beside me.

"We might lose employees, genius." He said. "Many things might happen. We will lose many things. Did you think about the consequences of your decision, Sana?" He called me with my first name. I know that he's very serious at this moment.

"..." I can't answer him. Maybe, I really did decided without thinking the consequences.

"I know that you want to stay there because of Taehyung." He sighed. He's right. I don't wanna leave Korea because of Tae. "But, please, Sana, could you think about this? Are you really sure of this?"

"I'm being selfish, aren't I?" My heart is sinking. I stared at Tae for sometime. I feel like crying again. "R-Right, Yuta?"

I heard him sigh, "I'm sorry, Sana. It's between the company you built and Tae. You get to choose."

"I-I'm afraid that this will happen again." I can't speak right since I feel like something is blocking my throat.

"I will just call you again. Maybe later. Don't cry," I smiled weakly. "I'll go there, okay? See you." He hung up.

I put my phone on the bedside table and just gazed on Tae's sleeping face.

I waited for him all night long last night. I'm not contented with his texts, saying that he's alright and I should sleep. I still want to see him before I rest.

He moved a little and it made me nervous. This man beside me will be hurt again, if I'll leave him for the second time. Things are going pretty good between the two of us, I can't afford breaking him again.

Should I leave Tae and go back to Japan to continue my life? Or should I stay here with the love of my life?

Deciding makes me damn crazy. I don't know what should I do. I'm torn again.

And so, I picked my phone up and texted Momo. I told her that I'll meet her in a coffee shop. Maybe the old coffee shop that Mr. Choi has.

I stood up and took a shower. It took me so long inside the shower room. I'm still thinking about what Yuta said. Water helps me calm down a bit, so I stayed inside the shower room.

I sighed and turned off the shower. I dried myself and dressed up. When I got out of the shower room, I saw Tae fixing the bed. He looked at me with a smile and I can see surprise in his eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful." He walked towards me and kissed me on my nose. I smiled awkwardly. "Want to have breakfast?"

"I'm afraid that I'll be having breakfast with Momo today, Tae." His smile faded. "I'm sorry."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now