t h i r t y

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Tae didn't go to school again. I knew that since this morning. I am getting lonelier and lonelier because of our situation.

I tried talking to him, but he ignores and shuts me away. I tried every little thing that is possible, but nothing worked because he's still pushing me away.

I don't know why is his attitude like that. I don't know if it's because of our fight or because of his grandma.

My friends must've noticed that I'm quiet around them, so they tried making me happy. They never mentioned Tae's name. I thank them for being sensitive.

Mark told me that what he did is just a dare. All those sweet messages and gestures are all because of a dare that was given to him by his friends. He explained that he got lost on a basketball game, so they gave him a dare. He wants to prove to them that he still has the charisma he has around girls, so he agreed to do the dare.

I thanked him for being honest. He wished that if we could still be friends and I said yes. Everybody deserves a second chance, though.

"Class," our homeroom adviser entered our room. We all stopped what we're doing and lend our ears to her. "I have an announcement to make." She paused. We're all anticipating. "Momo and Hobi are chosen as the school representatives for the upcoming out of town competition."

"What?!" Momo's face looked shocked. On the other hand, Hobi's face is blushing. I knew it. He has a crush on Momo. "Why me?! I'm not that good!"

"Stop joking, Ms. Hirai. We all know that you're an ace when it comes to dancing." Miss said. We all laughed at her while Momo just pouted. "Mr. Park would like to talk to you guys. You'll be busy for the whole month of December."

"Alright." Hobi stood up and Momo followed him. Miss said to continue on what we're doing and exited.


Jimin came to me with his phone on his hand. I looked at him weirdly. Why is he handing his phone to me?

"It's Mr. Choi, the owner of the coffee shop. He wants to talk to you." I took it from him and talked to Mr. Choi.

"Hello, seonsaengnim?" I greeted him.

"Is this Ms. Minatozaki?"

"Ne, seonsaengnim." I answered him. "Why are you finding me, seonsaengnim?"

"I want to know why Mr. Kim Taehyung isn't going to work. Do you know why?" He asked me.

"Yes. His grandma passed away two days ago. He's still mourning." I explained. "I'm sorry if he's absent."

"Oh, I would like to send my condolences to him." He said in a sad tone. "Please let me know if he will still continue to work or not, so I could hire another person to replace him."

My heart sank. Tae will lose his job, "Noted, seonsaengnim. Thank you. I will let him know."

"Okay. Thank you, too. Have a good day."

"Thank you, seonsaengnim." I told him and ended the call. I gave Jimin his phone.

"What did he say?" He gossiped. I chuckled and hit him gently on his chest. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Why gossip?" I asked him and he just pouted. Cutie Chim. "He just asked if Tae would continue working in his café. Just that."

"Oh," he nodded. "Are you going home alone?"

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