t h i r t y - e i g h t

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I want to laugh at Yuta right now. He's not being talkative. Usually, he bumps into someone's conversation and talk with them. But now, no word from him came.

"Ya." Yuta elbowed me.

"What?" I faced him.

"You said this will be a party!" He whispered. I know he's too bored right now.

"It is!" He rolled his eyes on me. "Respect the engaged couple, Nakamoto. Don't leave until the party isn't finished."

"Yeah right," he crossed his arms and groaned in frustration. "I'll book a plane ticket now."

"Then go. I will not stop you." I smirked and he rolled his eyes again at me. I'm starting to think that he's gay.

"Hey, Sana." Jimin called me.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"Introduce us your boyfriend!" He said.



"Hey, Sana!" I heard Chim's voice. I'm walking towards the garden. I was only a step away from the garden when I heard it.

It means... Sana is here?

I became nervous all of the sudden. "Yeah?" My heart melted as I heard her voice.

"Introduce us your boyfriend!" I gulped.

'Introduce us your boyfriend!'

'Introduce us your boyfriend!'

'Introduce us your boyfriend!'

I gulped. It echoed inside my head three times.

I want to run away and cry, but tears shouldn't take place this time. This is a special day for Tzuyu and Kookie. It's their anniversary.

I walked in the scene with my fake smile. "Hello, guys!" I greeted them.

"Good thing you came, Tae. We've been waiting for you!" Kookie stood up and assisted me.

"Sit beside Jimin. The seat there is still vacant." Tzuyu said and I sat beside Chim. We bumped our fists and man-hugged each other.

"What took you so long?" Mina asked as she drink her bottle of coke.

"I had an overtime duty. I have to pay for my apartment's rent by the end of the month." I explained. I noticed that I am sitting across Sana. She became silent.

And I noticed a man, which I do not know who, beside her. Do they know each other?

Wait, is he the boyfriend that Chim is asking earlier?

"Tsk. I told you to live with us." Kookie said and handed me the pizza.

"No. Soon you'll be married and have kids. I have no room in your house." I refused. Besides of that reason, I really don't want to disturb them. I don't want to live with a couple.

It envies me.

I don't want to think about it because I will get sad. Eventually, I might become depressed. I don't want that to happen.

"He has a point," Dahyun agreed. "You're not the man of the hour, so I'll interrogate Sana's boyfriend instead."

"I told you, he's not my boyfriend, guys." Sana said. I saw a glimpse of hope when I heard that. "Yuta, these are my friends. Friends, this is Yuta."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now