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"Congratulations," Tae smiled. I smiled back. "Ms. Star of the Night."

"Yeah right." I smirked. "But I'm still sorry for not winning the Ms. Acquaintance thingy."

"It's fine!" Kookie putted his arm around me, but Tae glared at him so he put his arm back. "Sorry!" He smiled at Tae and gave him a piece sign. Such a meme. "By the way, congratulations, Sana-ssi! And thank you, too!" And then he went back to Tzuyu.

"I hate him." Tae said.

"C'mon, Tae, don't be such a killjoy." I told him and chuckled.

"I can't, Sana. He's too clingy!"

"Because he's my boy best friend, Tae. Understand him." He sighed. "And besides... Tzuyu and Kookie are already a couple."

"Really?" I nodded. "I didn't see him court Tzuyu."

"Because you're too busy, alien." He pouted.

"Ya! Taehyung-ah! Are you going home already?!" We turned to see Mina behind us.

"Yes! Why?!" Tae shouted back.

Mina ran towards us, "Hello? You're the council's president, remember?"

"And so?" Tae asked. "What do you want then?"

Mina smacked Tae in his head and I laughed. That's what he gets for asking an obvious question.

"You're the president! At least help us in cleaning the hall!" She complained. I don't know why if she's talking in a normal way or shouting. I mean, her voice is too soft, but it shows piss.

"You can do that. I've done enough," he told Mina. Mina's face is unexplainable. Her mouth is open and is totally shocked from what Tae said.

I elbowed Tae and he groaned in pain. "What?" He asked.

"Help her, Tae."

"Tss. I have to get you home."

"I'll be fine." I assured him. "Help her."

"What if I don't want to?" He smirked.

"I'll go home by myself." I smiled and he frowned. "Tss. I'll wait for you to finish, then."

"Alright. Where will you wait?" Tae asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Just help us clean instead." Mina smiled and so I nodded. "C'mon, the others are waiting." We went back to the hall.

When we entered the hall, we saw a mess. I don't know if it was still a grand hall or what. It looks very messy.

"I don't know where to start." Tae chuckled.

"We already cleaned one fourth of the hall." Mina told us. "We'll continue cleaning. Thank you for agreeing with my idea." Mina smiled and continued cleaning.

"Well," I paused. "I'll get the broom and the dustpan."



It's barely 12:30 AM when we finished cleaning the whole hall. It's really late.

"We should go home now," Mina said and smiled. "Thank you for your hard work. You did well today."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now