f i f t y - t w o

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I helped Sana fix her things before she leaves me. Truthfully, I want to forbid her from going to Japan, but Ryu needs her. All I know is that Ryu is sick. And so what? Can't he take care of himself? But that is wrong. Sana won't have to go there if Ryu's sickness isn't simple, right? Ryu must be diagnosed with some kind of really bad disease.

She's already ready to go to Japan. She didn't book a flight. Yuta sent her a private jet and guess what? Ryu owns it. I want to go with her, but I have work left here in Seoul. Besides, Sana will only be there for a day. I trust her that's why I allowed her to go there.

"Will you be fine there?" I asked her before she goes. She nodded and hugged me. I gave her back the embrace that she gave me. I felt my heart sank as I embrace her. "Take care and say hi to him for me." I joked and I felt her punch my stomach softly. I let out a chuckle.

"Take care of yourself, too. I'd be back after a day." I escaped from the hug and gave her a wide smile. I was about to kiss her on her cheek, but she tilted her head, making our lips touch. I knew she wants to steal a kiss from me.

"Naughty Minatozaki." I messed her hair. She frowned and fixed it. She then took her bag and walked away from me while waving her hand.

It was heartbreaking for me to see her leave, but it's alright. I have something to prepare while she's not yet coming back. I immediately called Kookie and Jimin. I asked them a favor earlier. To help me with a surprise for Sana.

I want to surprise her with a proposal when she comes back. I want our relationship to be official. After one month of courtship, maybe I have already took her heart again. She's giving me hope with those signs. She allowed me to live in her house. Sometimes, she cooks dinner for me after my work. She helps me with myself.

She's really a wife material. If we didn't end our relationship before, maybe we're married by now. Maybe she's pregnant or probably, we have kids by now. If that time will come, I would quit my job and focus on my kids. I want to spend my time with them because I know Sana can't. She's the president of her company and she's very busy. There will be a time that she won't be able to attend to our kids' needs. Being a house husband isn't bad.

Tzuyu and Kookie have been engaged for months already. They're true to their promise. They want to see us as a wed couple.

"You and Sana is my OTP, silly." I remember Tzuyu said. They almost broke up because of me and Sana. "No matter how long the road is for you guys, we know that the finish line is the church." Kookie said. They are such supportive friends. They never fled from me especially in my times of need.

I just wish Nayeon is not mad at Sana anymore. It's been a month since that historical thing happened. Can't Nayeon forgive Sana? Sana admitted that she prioritized other things more than her friends and family.

I heard a beep from my phone. It was a text message from Kookie.

From: Jeon Kookie

The gang is in Momo's dance studio. Except for Yoongi and Nayeon.

11:18 PM

Yoongi and Nayeon are probably busy with their child. They sometimes can't be with us because they have to take care of their kid. I texted him back that I will be going now.


Momo opened her door's studio for me. I brought two boxes of pizza and a box of jokbal for us. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the box of jokbal.

"Is that for me?!" She pointed the box of jokbal that I am holding. I laughed at her and shook my head. She frowned. "Bad!" She hit my arm and led me towards her own practice room. They are seated on the floor in a circular shape. They all feasted when they saw the food.

"I am hungry!" Hobi said and was about to get the first slice of jokbal, but Momo slapped his hand. "Ouch! What's your problem?"

"Those are all mine!" They all laughed. It's been quite a while when I last saw them. We are all busy. We are not able to see each other.

"Okay, so let's talk about your proposal." Chaeng said. I noticed that Jeong isn't here. Maybe she's still working. "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." I shook my head. "Honestly, I have no idea what to do. I just want to give her a proposal. I want our relationship to be official. And I hope thay we could do this for a day."

"What? You don't have anything in mind?" Tzuyu asked me and took a slice of pizza. "How are we going to pull this off?"

"Ideas, anyone?" I asked them. They are all busy eating. Especially Momo and Jin. Jin has the whole pizza box for himself while Momo is holding that box of jokbal.

"How about a date?" Mina suggested.

"A date? Seriously, penguin?" Dahyun looked at Mina with judgement.

"It's just a suggestion..." Mina pouted. She's really cute.

"We can elevate that date. It might sound simple, but if we execute it properly, this date will be amazingly beautiful." Jihyo agreed. We all talked about how the date would go. They said that they will rent a dating place in Jeju. Well, I have never been in Jeju before.

"Where do you think Tae can give the proposal?" Namjoon asked us.

"Jeju love land." Jimin smirked and Dahyun elbowed him. "That hurts!" He groaned in pain while holding his "injured" abs.

"Stop suggesting provocative places, you green-minded jerk." Dahyun told him, but Jimin just laughed. He almost rolled on the floor laughing. I honestly don't get what he said.

"What about that place?" I asked Tzuyu who is beside me. Her face went red. Did I say something bad? I thought.

"Uh..." Kookie scratched his nape. He typed something on his phone and gave me his phone. My eyes grew big and gave him his phone back. "Get it? Don't go there."

"Ya! Jimin!" I called Jimin who is tearing up because he's laughing so hard. "You byuntae!" I yelled at him.
"I'm just joking." Jimin wiped his eyes.

"Have you been there before?" Chaeng asked him. Jimin smirked and pulled Dahyun beside him.

"Yeah, I've been there before." Jimin's smirked got wider. Dahyun's face became red. Just like her red hair. Well, Chaeng and Dahyun has the same red hair. "People told me that it's a very good place for lovers."

"Stop talking, you jamless whatever you are." Dahyun glared at him. I bet Dahyun is getting embarrassed.
"How about the Bijarim forest?" Jin suggested. "The place is pretty good. There's this clean, fresh air and it's really a good place for the two of you. We can rent that place." I agreed with Jin's suggestion. They will all help me with my proposal.

Jin already called the manager of the forest so we could rent it for a night. While Mina, she contacted the chefs that will be preparing the dishes for our date. We will still be preparing until tomorrow. I told them to go home because I know it's been a long day for them. And for me, too.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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