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"Did you know where Taehyung went, eonnie?" I asked Taehyung's sister. Her bruises are healing well.

"No," she shook her head.  "He's been gone since I woke up."

"Me too." I pouted and sat beside her.

"Are you..." she paused. "...Tae's girlfriend?"

I blushed, "No." I chuckled.

"Oh, I thought you two were together." She told me. I blushed more and I saw her chuckled. Tae's sister is pretty.  "How's Tae? The last time I've had an update about him was two years ago."

"Two years?!" That was a very long time!

She nodded, "Yes. Thankfully, the number that he gave me is still his number today."

"D-Do you mind if I ask..." I'm hesistating. This is embarrassing. What if she'll get offended?

"Where I got these bruises?" She pointed her face. I nodded. "Tae must've told you that our grandparents are farmers."

"Yes, he did mentioned it." I told her.

She smiled, "They are the ones who raised us. Not until our parents took us from them."

"Why? Why did your parents take you from them?" I asked her. I am really curious.

"I don't know," she shrugged both of her shoulders. "Tae was only 3 at that time and I was 5. Our younger brother was only a year old at that time. They didn't took Taejeong. They let them stay with our grandparents."

She continued on narrating, "Me and Tae felt the love from our mom. She always care for us. We never felt that love she gave us from our dad. He's always drunk. He would steal money from mom and buy beer for himself."

"And then one time, something happened." She said and looked at me. "Me and my mom was walking down the street when a truck came to us. My mom died trying to save me. And all became worse when dad found out the accident. He blamed me for mom's death."

"Eonnie..." I feel so sorry for her.

She started on crying, "I came to my aunt. I begged her to keep Tae instead of me. I don't want Tae to experience the pain I experienced."

"Eonnie, why are you still sticking with your dad?" I asked her. If she's been experiencing that for a long time, she could've just ran away.

"He won't let me. And I don't have the courage," she sighed. I admire her for staying strong. "How about you? Tae mentioned that you're a Japanese. Why did you come here?" She wiped her tears.

"U-Uh, my dad has some business to do here in Korea. We have been here for some years already. As soon as he finishes his work, we will go back to Japan. I could feel like we're going back there within this year or maybe, next year." I told her.

"What about Taehyung?" I froze. What about him? "Are you going to leave him?"

"I-I have no choice." I said. "I would leave everything here in Korea."

"But..." she paused. "...Tae will be broken. Have you thought of this already?"

"No. I didn't even think of this." I sighed. "Let's go to a coffee shop. My treat."



It has been 2 months already when I noticed that Tae's schedule is very irregular. He goes to school alright, but every time we finish our dinner, he would just bid his good night to me and leave me. I don't know where he goes at that time.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now