a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t

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I would like to thank first of all, God, because he gave me skills in writing. Thank you for giving me this incredible skill and I was able to share it with my imaginations. Thank you for giving me such talent.

Secondly, I would like to thank the readers for being there when I put MSFL1 on hold. They cheered me up and I even had friends because of it. Thank you for supporting MSFL1! Thank you for giving MSFL1 love. Thank you for reading it although some chapters are pretty stupid and there are fast pacings of the story. Sorry for that, too.

Thirdly, I would like to thank these people: Meriel, MJ, Mich, Raya, Krys, Amiira, Keem and Dianne. You guys are the closest virtual friends I have in IG 😂 Thank you for being my friends although some of you teases me. You know who you guys are.

Sorry if I wasn't able to meet your expectations. *super sad* I'm not a good author, but thank you for believing that I am. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Btw, drop your questions here in the comment section if you have any. I'll be answering your questions soon. : D


- Jean

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