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"The song finished," I told Dahyun. I let go my hand and gave her my hand. She took it and I accompanied her back to the practice room.

I don't know why, but she's looking very pretty right now. She must've prepared for a long time for this event.

"Are you going to practice?" She asked me.

"N-No. I have to do something." I smiled at her.

"What are are you going to do then?"

"I will ask Chaeng to dance with me." She became silent, but she just smiled. "So, I'll go now." I nodded and exited the room.

I was quite guilty when I told Dahyun that I'm going to dance with Chaeng. They are best friends alright, but I like Chaeng. I've been liking her for a year already. The time she transferred here, she became my crush. She's cute and all. Plus, her attitude is my favorite.

As soon as I entered the hall, I sighed deep before walking towards Chaeng's table.

I wore my smile and held my hand out to her as soon as I stood infront of her.

"May I dance with you?" She looked at me and then the others started teasing us. My face heated up.

She took my hand and then we walked towards the dance floor. I placed both of my hands on her waist and she placed her hands around my nape.

"You look pretty," I told her, but she just smiled--revealing her dimples. Those dimples I liked.

Throughout the dance, we were just quiet. No one dared to speak. Maybe because it's too awkward. I like her, but her best friend likes me. It's a love triangle.

"Did you like Dubu before?" Chaeng asked me.

"As a friend? Yeah." I nodded.

"No, what I mean--"

"I know what you mean." I cut her. "I never liked her. Even in the past. Maybe because she's just much of a girl best friend for me."

"Her feelings developed for you. So, why can't your feelings too?" Her eyebrows crossed.

I smiled, "We're different, Chaeng. That's her decision."

"It's her decision to like you?" She raised her eyebrow. "Look, Jimin, I know that you like me. I've known that since last year--the year I transferred here. And you've been trying to court me since then. But, I think it's not making any progress."

"What do you mean?" I honestly don't want to hear Chaeng's answer.

"I think you should focus more on Dahyun. Don't waste your time for a girl like me. A girl who doesn't like you back." She sighed and looked down. "Dahyun... Well, Dahyun is the perfect match for you, Jimin."

"N-No, Chaeng. Y-You're the perfect match for me." I told her. My heart is breaking. "It's not Dahyun, Chaeng. It's you."

"No, Jimin." She smiled. "Dahyun is not easy to like. Don't let her feelings be a waste."

"But, you don't understand, Chaeng. I like you. And you're the only one I like. No one else. And it will never change." I said.

"Look, Jimin. This relationship is better if we're just friends." I froze. My feet stopped from dancing. My mind went blank. "Choose Dahyun." She smiled and then left me on the dance floor.



"Ya," I called Jeongyeon. She's preparing the drum set. "Let's go to the dance floor. I'm going to say something."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now