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I dialled mom's number. Thankfully, she answered it quickly.

"Good morning, mom!" I greeted her.

"Good morning, sweetie." She greeted back. "Are you doing fine in your school?"

"Yeah, mom. I'm doing perfectly fine." I said while smiling. It's a relief to talk to mom. "How are you and dad?"

"Dad is in his work." She answered. "Why did you call, by the way?"

"I was picked to be our class' representative for the acquaintance party to be held later." I told her.

"Really?" I heard her gasp. "Do you have any clothes to wear?"

"Yeah, mom." I replied. "Exams will be held some weeks from now. Dad told me that he'll come to get my report card."

"Study hard, princess." She cheered. "We're sorry because we can't visit you during the weekends due to work."

"It's fine, mom." I said. "So, this is goodbye."

"Alright. Good bye, sweetie. Be safe. I love you." I smiled.

"I love you, too." And then I hung up. I got up from bed and fixed it. I combed my hair and took a shower.


"Good morning," I greeted Tae. He's eating breakfast downstairs. He smiled back.

"Come, eat with me." He told me. I sat infront of him and satisfied myself with a sandwich. "Let's go to school together."

"Okay." We continued eating and then we headed to school.

As usual, as soon as we got inside our room, he left me with my friends.

"Where are the others?" I asked Tzuyu who is talking to Kookie.

"They were excused already." She answered.

"This early?" She nodded. I was about to sat beside Tzuyu when I noticed that she and Kookie are too busy talking to each other, so I sat beside Chae.

"Guys!" Nayeon called us. We all looked at her, but I was curious when I saw her red eyes. "T-There's a movie marathon inside the school movie theatre. Who wants to go?" All raised their hands, except for Yoongi because he's asleep. "Alright, p-please fall in line outside and head towards the school movie theatre."

We all stood up, but Nayeon sat on a chair and opened her laptop. I'm worried about her. Her eyes are red, ando so as her nose. Like she cried.

"Sana?" Chae called. I faced her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." I nodded. I looked at Nayeon for a second and followed the others.



I looked at Yoongi who is stretching. He just woke up. He roamed his eyes on the room--probably finding where the others went. And then he saw me. He stood up and then left me.

And then my heart is aching again.

My confession didn't go as planned. I thought that he'll be shocked or what. But then again, he's the heartless Min Yoongi. He doesn't care if he's going to hurt somebody.

He entered the room with paperbags in his hand. He placed it on my desk and left me. He sat on his chair and slept again.

I took the paperbag and saw a note on it.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now