f i f t y - e i g h t

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"Wake up." I patted Tae's head. His head is leaning on my shoulder. "We're here." I told him. He sat properly and wiped his eyes. He looked outside the car's window.

"It's so good to be back home." He said and got off the car. I also hopped off the car and helped him with our luggage. I paid the cab and we entered the house. We didn't leave Soonshim here. He's with Tzuyu and Jungkook's. We'll get him before we go to Tae's parents.

His granddad already passed away last year. I wasn't even informed. But we'll go to the memorial park where his grandparents and mom are buried.

I don't know if he'll introduce me to his dad. The last time that we talked about his dad was earlier in the plane. He said that he doesn't know where his dad is.

"Maybe he's dying in a ditch somewhere," I remember him saying that. Sometimes, I don't like that attitude. I mean, I get it that he's mad at his dad, but still, it's his father. He may not be treated like a child by his dad, but he still created him.

Some people tend to act like that because of the pain that he or she had to go through. Maybe, he's so broken that he won't be able to fix himself.

Tae went upstairs as we enter the house, but I stayed downstairs. I'm in a leave because Yuta knows that I've been preparing for my wedding. Good thing he gave me permission.

We already gave the church the requirements that they need. We had already picked what kinds of food will be served in the reception. Jin is a chef, tho. He's not just an ordinary restaurant owner. Of course, when you want to have a restaurant, you should be a chef yourself.

He'll take us to other countries with his dishes. He said that he likes to travel around to find new dishes. But sometimes, when he doesn't have time, he'll just search online to find a new meal. Therefore, Jin will be serving American and other Asian dishes in the reception.

Although we're friends with him, he didn't give us a discount because he said that it's still business. Unfair.

After this visitation to Tae's loved ones, we'll go to a jewelry shop where we could buy a wedding ring. While we were in Japan yesterday, our friends already took care of some things.

Chaeng and Dino are already making the invitations. They'll be sending it off to the guests once finalized. They are cooperating with Dahyun and Jimin since they are assigned on the list of guests.

Jeong and Jeonghan will be taking care of the dresses and suits that will be worn by the entourage and the bridesmaids. We talked about the theme and we decided to go with the traditional wedding. But the motif of the wedding will be color white. All things will be white; from the flowers to the whole set up of the church. I want it to look very beautiful, elegant and traditional.

Jin and Mina, of course, they are still preparing for the food. They'll be decorating the restaurant they have in Myeongdong.

Dahyun and Jimin are taking care of the guests. The guest must be 50 people and below only. I don't want to have so many people inside the church. Plus, close family, relatives and friends are only invited.

Nayeon and Yoongi are with Momo and Hobi. I think they already talked to a wedding organizer. They said that the wedding organizer is a Filipina. For the nth time. They said that the wedding organizer's name is Meriel.

Tzuyu and Kookie will be taking care of the videography and other stuffs. They said that they know a person. They said that the person's name is Franzeen. I just said 'yes' to them since I think they know what they are doing.

Joonie and Jihyo are taking care of the souvenirs already. They said that it will be a photo album. They said that the photo album will be like somewhat of a scrapbook to remind people how me and Tae met each other.

I'm glad that our friends are helping us with this. They are the best. I couldn't ask for more.

Tae came downstairs. I think he napped inside the bedroom. I stood up and asked him if we'll be going now. He nodded in reply.

"I'll take the wheel." He initiated. I sat on the passenger's seat and he sat on the driver's seat. He drove us off after. "Can we stop by a flower shop?"

"Sure." I said. "Remember to stop by Tzuyu and Kookie's house. Soonshim is with them."

"Thanks for reminding me." He smiled at me. As he said, we stopped by a flower shop. He was the one who bought it, while I was left inside the car. He then came back with three bouquets in his hand. I knew it was for his granddad, grandmom and mom, so I didn't ask him why it was three.

He turned around the wheel and drove towards Tzuyu and Kookie's subdivision. I mean, it's not their own subdivision, but they live there. I heard that this subdivision is owned by someone named Lee Jonghyun. I'm not sure.

We reached their house. Kookie went out of their house with only a white plain muscle shirt as his top and a pair of boxers. Why do these two kept on wearing just those clothes?

"Hey, Tae! Hey, Sana!" He greeted when Tae rolled out the window.

"We'll take Soonshim." Tae said frankly.

"Okay. But can you guys atleast have breakfast? It's barely 7 AM." He chuckled and it made him handsome. Well, he's always handsome. Tae and Kookie never became ugly from our sights. They are works of art.

"Sure," I agreed and Tae faced me. I nodded and I think he was convinced in a way. "Let's go."

"Great. I prepared lobster egg benedict." Kookie said as we went down the car.

"What's that?" Tae asked and held my hand. He again interlocked it with mine. Kookie saw it and smirked.

"It's called breakfast." Kookie answered. Well, that's a stupid reply.

"Hey, you dyed your hair purple." I just realized that he dyed his hair purple. Maybe because the lights hit his hair and I just saw it.

"Yeah," he snickered. "Tzuyu and I dyed the same color. She's still in the bedroom, though."

"Aww, I want to have couple hair dyes, too!" Tae said and looked at me. "Let's dye our hair blonde!"

"Are you trying to ruin our scalps? This black hair suits us." I demanded and he just pouted again. Kookie made us sit on the dining area while he's going to get Tzuyu.

Tzuyu and Kookie came down and ate with us. I must say, this benedict dish is very amazing. I want to eat more of this.

"Dahyun and Jimin also have the same hair color." Tzuyu stated as if it was a fact. "Color red."

"But Chaeng's hair is color red, too." I said and ate a chunk of lobster. "It shows their love triangle way back in high school."

"No, Chaeng dyed her hair brown. So, Dino and her will have the same color of hair." Kookie then drank his coffee. I didn't know that he drinks coffee. Oh, well.

"Who else had dyed their hairs?" Tae asked. He's already done with his food.

"Jin and Mina also has a brown hair. But theirs is the lighter shade of brown. Yoongi and Nayeon decided to have a more natural look so they stayed with their black hair. Hobi and Momo have pink hair. And Joonie and Jihyo has a brownish greyish type of dye." Tzuyu answered. Wow, so every couple has distinct color of hair dye? That's cool!

"So, we have to go blonde, Sana." Tae wiggled his eyebrows, trying to convince me.

"Okay. We'll dye our heads tomorrow." I answered him. We bid our good byes to Tzuyu and Kookie. We also thanked them for the meal that they served. They gave us Soonshim before we could even drive away from them.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu


Okay, so Meriel and Franzeen are my friends 😂 I included them in my story. Hi friends 😄

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