t h i r t y - s e v e n

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It's already lunch hour when I woke up. The party last night after the launching was a blast. Many guests went, including Ryu and Yuta. Ryu and Yuta are my business partners.

Hasegawa Ryu, as mentioned before, is my classmate in BYPU-Japan. We got along very well. He's a friend although he's a snob kind of man.

Nakamoto Yuta is one of my closest friends--well, Yuta and Ryu are the only friends I have. They are the people whom I trust. Yuta is my college friend. We go to the same classes and we enjoy the things we do. For short, he's the opposite of Ryu.

People ask us why don't we become a couple. We fit each other. Our parents like us for each other. My heart has been occupied since then, it has no room for Yuta. The funny thing is Yuta confessed to me before. I told him that he's just a friend. I thought he'll be mad at me or ignore me, but no. We stayed friends. Which is a good thing because our friendship grew.

Ryu went home early right after I cut the ribbon because he has to do something. And so, I was left with Yuta.

Yuta told me that he wants to come back to Japan, but I told him that he could sleep in my room. No malice intended. After all, we do that everytime.

He will sleep in my house and I will sleep in his. I know that he still likes me because he's still single. He doesn't want to go to dating sites because of me.

Poor Yuta.

I went out of my room and saw Yuta sleeping on the couch. I took the pillow and threw it to his face. Of course he got shocked. He looked at me with his eyebrows crossed.

"MINATOZAKI!" He yelled at me.

"YA! NAKAMOTO WAKE UP!" I yelled back. He sat down and rubbed his hands in his face. "What breakfast do you want me to make?"

"Ask your mom to make another Sana. That will be my breakfast." What the heck. I laughed at him and threw him another pillow. "That hurt!"

"C'mon, take a bath. You stink. I'll just make breakfast." I threw him a bathrobe and a towel and I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After cooking, I placed the food on the table and waited for Yuta. He came out of the bathroom with his wet hair.

Now, this is what I call a breakfast!

"Hey!" He slapped my face gently. "I thought that Kim Taehyung is the only man that you will salivate to?"

"Tss, go dress up, Yuta." I told him and he went to the room to dress. I finished my brunch, since it's already lunch time. I went to the bathroom and showered.

After dressing up, I got a text message from Kookie. We exchanged numbers last night since he's one of my guests.

From: Nochu Kookie

Me and Tzuyu will pick you up. Prepare. We'll be there in 10 minutes.

2:56 PM

I looked at Yuta who is reading a magazine.

"Hey, Nakamoto." I called him and he faced me with his eyebrows crossed.

"What do you want this time, Minatozaki?" Everytime he calls me by my surname, I remember Tae. Tae used to call me that when we were in senior high. The time that we hate each other by then.

"A party will be held at my friend's house. Come with me." I told him sincerely.

His brow raised, "Are you kidding me? It's a party. Of course I'm going!" He stood up and placed the magazine aside. "I'll change--"

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now