f i f t y - f i v e

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I marked the 3rd of July in my calendar. I drew my face and Tae's and wrote "ENGAGED!!!". I suddenly felt the bed move and Tae hugged me.

"Ya! I'm marking my calendar!" I told him. He didn't reply. Instead, he made a moaning sound as if he still wants more sleep and hugged me even more. What is he up to?

"Why are you marking that?" He escaped from his hug and leaned on the headrest of our bed. He placed his head on my shoulder and pouted.

"Because yesterday evening, we're already engaged." I faced him and giggled.

"Yeah, we're like officially boyfriend and girlfriend for a second or two and then you already proposed to me." His morning voice have already made my day although it's just starting. I placed the calendar on the bedside table and moved the blanket away from me. I stood up, tied my hair up and started fixing the bed, but Tae is being a kid again.

"I want more sleep!" He demanded and protrude his lips.

"Go to the kitchen and start making breakfast." I commanded. He stood up, still pouting, ran towards me and hugged me. "Let go of me, Tae!" I slapped his arms in a gentle way, but he's not letting go. Okay, I have to deal with this like everyday? Good luck being a married woman, squirrel. "Kyaaaaa!" He carried me and threw me to our bed. What the heck is he going to do? I immediately sat and hopped off the bed because I know what exactly is he thinking.

"Go downstairs." I told him. He stepped towards me and kissed me on my nose.

"I'm just asking for a good morning kiss." He said. I laughed at him and hit his arm softly.

"But I know that you want a breakfast in bed. And you're not going to get that." He frowned--an overreacting frown. I tiptoed, brushed his bangs up and kiss his forehead. "There's your good morning kiss."

"Thank you!" He went out of the room while jumping. I shook my head as I watch him jump. He's really a child at heart. It's cute, but when it crawled up to his mind, it's not cute anymore. I continued fixing the bed and after fixing it, I went to the shower room to take a bath.


Tae served pancakes as our breakfast. This is new, because he usually serves me Korean meals. I'm glad that he tried making American plates. There's even whipped cream and strawberries and blueberries on the pancake.

"This is new." I told him. He's half naked again, but he's wearing an apron. He looked hot. What's the breakfast again? "I'm glad that you tried something new."

"Because we're engaged now." He answered me and poured hot chocolate in a cup. So he wouldn't change his menu if we're not engaged? "Breakfast is served, Minatozaki." He said that while he's taking off the freaking apron. He's really comfortable without a shirt?

"Wear a shirt." I told him. He made a face and went upstairs to get a shirt. When he came back, he's already wearing a muscle shirt. Thank God. Although I have seen him half-naked before, I'm still not comfortable because it distracts me. Especially when we go to sleep and he hugs me. I can feel his skin on my back which I am not very comfortable of.

"Sana," he called me and sat infront of me. I faced him. "When do you want to get married?"

"Anytime, as long as you're my groom." I smiled and I saw him blush. This is the first time that I've seen him blush! "You're blushing, alien." I laughed at him because he's still blushing. He's so cute.

"I-I am not blushing." He turned his face away from me and gulped. I love how his adam's apple move up and down. "Don't laugh at me, Minatozaki."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, alien." I snickered. "You're cute when you're blushing."

"I told you that I'm not blushing." He denied. Indenial king. He turned to face me and continued eating pancakes.

"So..." he stopped from eating. "...when do you want?"

"October?" He suggested. "October." He nodded, as if he's very sure about what he said. He decided on his own. He didn't ask me when do I want it to happen. "Uh, do you have a date in mind?"

"No, not yet." I answered him. "But we could go to the church and ask the office there."

"Do you want to go now?" He inquired. "After breakfast?"

"Yeah, sure." I smiled. "But you still have work to do."

"And so do you, right?" I nodded. "I'll ask Jin and Mina."

"You don't have to." I told him. "We might disturb them and maybe they're busy because they're restaurant owners, remember?"

"Yeah." He agreed. "Then I'll call Chim and Dubu instead."

"Why don't we go there instead?" I told him. "Or tomorrow. We still have time since we haven't talked about exactly when, right?"

"Okay." He said and stood up. He took our plates and washed them in the kitchen area. "After washing these, I'll be off to work." I heard him say. I stood up and watched him wash the dishes. I walked towards him and gave him a hug from the back. I buried my face on his back and just waited for him to finish.

"Hey, I'll shower now." He said and took his robe. I didn't let go of the hug. I don't even know why I'm hugging him. All I know is that I feel safe and I'm comfortable. And I feel good. He entered the shower room and I'm still hugging him.

"Let's conserve water."


"Take care." I kissed his cheek before he leaves me. He smiled and gave me a quick peck on my lips. "Love you."

"Love you, too." He grinned widely. "I'll be off."

"Me, too." He just nodded and exited the house. I watched him ride his bike. I followed him with my eyes and when he's completely gone of my sight, I went upstairs to my office to start my work.

My building will open tomorrow because everything is done. I already had bought furnitures for the interior. All I have to do is to check if it's good to go or what.

It's just 30 minutes when I started working, but I heard a doorbell. I took my specs off and went downstairs. Who the heck will go in my house this early? I mean, it's just 10:30 AM. It's too early.

I opened the gate of the house and a man gave me a bouquet of flowers.

"Delivery from," he paused and read the card. "Mr. Kim Taehyung." He smiled. "Have a good day, ma'am!" He then drove off and I was left in the gate. I looked at the bouquet of flowers and noticed a card. I closed the gate and opened the card.

I forgot who's the flower. You or this bouquet? Love you. - your handsome fiancé

I smirked. He really loves giving me surprises. I went upstairs, placed it on the table and called him.

"Thank you," I said as soon as he answered the call.

"You received it already?" I heard him chuckle on the other line. "That was fast."

"You're faster." I said. "Continue working, Mr. Kim, or else I'll fire you."

"As you wish, Kim Sana." I can imagine him smiling like an idiot while talking to his phone. "Take care. Love you."

"Me, too." I said and ended the call. I stared at the bouquet before continue working. Will I get surprises like this everyday?


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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