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My heart kept on beating so fast. It had never beated this rapidly.

I want to hug him, kiss him and spend a day with him. But no muscle from me moved.

I was petrified.

"T-Tae..." my voice cracked. Tears started falling from my eyes. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore. Let me sleep forever.

"Here's your change." He said with a cold tone. He handed me my change and I took it. Once I held his hand, I never let go of it. I might look stupid, but I don't care.

He placed my breakfast inside a plastic bag and gave it to me. He didn't talk to me. It made my heart ache more.

Is this what I get for leaving Tae? If I know that this will happen, I would never leave him. This is hurting me so bad.

"Talk to me..." I begged him, but he just stared at me. I still got no answer from him. "Tae, please." I pleaded.

"What do you expect from me, Sana? That I will be happy after you left me?" He said in a serious tone. I looked at him and gulped. "I got lonely and mad, Sana. You didn't say goodbye." He chuckled. "And you'll expect me to run towards you and give you a big hug? I will not be fooled again, Sana. So please get out of the store. I don't want to see you again."

I cried even more. How could he say that?

"Tae," I stared at him. "Do you still love me?" I was hoping for a miracle to happen. I was hoping that Tae still loves me. I told him not to forget me and I will not forget him. That's a promise. In the inside, I am begging him to say yes.

It took him so long before answering, "No." A word that made my world end.



Right after Sana left the store crying, I let all of my tears flow. It made me so much hurt. Seeing her again, made me so much happy, but my mind remembered that she left me.

That's why I said those harsh words to her.

It's not my intention to hurt her, it's just that I am too hurt and I threw all of my agony and pain to her. I was too surprised and not ready for me to see her.

She changed a lot--physically. Her hair is blonde. She got whiter and taller. She got more feminine. She got less bloated.

But I know, she's the same Sana that I still love. Yeah, I still love that squirrel. Saying that I don't love her is a lie. My love for her never changed. Years might pass, but I'm still in love with her. She will be the only girl that I will commit to.

She's my sweetest first love.



I often check on Sana's room. Earlier this day, I was informed that she will buy her breakfast. She refused to the grand breakfast I prepared for her.

After 30 minutes, she's still not back. That's where my nervousness grew. I started to worry. I commanded all of my employees to contact Sana in all possible ways. They tried calling her, but she's not answering her phone. I even sent my people to go find her within Korea.

After 30 minutes, she got back, crying. I asked her what happened, but she didn't answer me. I accompanied her towards her room. She told me that she's fine when we reached her room.

Trusting her, I let her lock the door. I went to the security office where I can see the hidden camera's records.

I check her from time to time. Whenever I throw her a question, she will not reply back.

I pitied her. Her eyes are swollen and red. Her nose and cheeks,  too, are red. She's just laying on the bed and hugging a pillow. Sometimes, I will see her crying and fast asleep. She must've been tired for crying for hours.

I'm thinking of what must've happen that caused Sana's cries. I had thought of so many reasons, but nothing is possible to happen.

But there is this one reason that is bugging me. I think she saw Tae. But if she ever sees Tae, she should be happy. I shouldn't see this pitiful Sana if she saw Tae.

But if she saw Tae, that doesn't mean that Tae has another girl. Maybe she saw Tae and the girl being sweet to each other.

I think Sana is not yet moving on.

Honestly, I was in shock when I heard that she left Korea. Everyone is so shook. We didn't know that she will leave BYP.

Tae and their gang didn't know that Sana will leave already. All they knew is that she will go after graduation, not in the middle of the school year.

As a student, I didn't feel Tae's leadership when Sana left. I mean, he's still the student council president. He needs to attend to the needs of the student. Mina, at that time, is so pitiful. All of the paperworks were given to her since the school council's adviser cannot talk to Tae.

As the troublemaker he would always be, he would always ditch class. He will sometimes not go to school. There is this one time that he got mad and Jinyoung is trying to approach him. He got annoyed and punched Jinyoung.

All of these is because of Sana.

If Sana didn't leave him, things might turn okay. I think they would start to build a family since they could be successful.

But not Tae.

Her aunt, who was sick, can't afford Tae's tuition fee anymore. She got stuck inside the hospital since she was diagnosed with dengue. Tae almost didn't finish high school. Luckily, Mr. Choi was there to support him in his studies.

I heard he was about to go to college when Mr. Choi died. Mrs. Choi and their kids migrated to America and Tae was left.

Taeyoung and Tae's salaries were not enough for college. So Tae was forced to go work.

I'm not a gossiper. It's just that Jimin told me these informations.

"Mark," I almost jumped off my seat when I saw Sana. She's standing beside me. I'm watching out for her. I don't want my friend to be in pain again. Seeing Sana cry is a very difficult thing for me to look at.

Just imagine this, a girl with bright looks and life cried. She didn't do anything bad, but she's crying now because she's suffering from the pain that she herself caused.

"Yeah?" I smiled at her.

"I'll go out."

"Why?" I stood up. "You must stay here or else something might happen again!"

"No, I'm perfectly fine now." She faked a smile. "I'll go now--"

"Wait. I'll come with you."

"I'm no kid anymore, Mark. I'm 24. I can handle myself. Thank you for the offer, by the way." She half-smiled and left me inside the room. I'm not that confident that Sana is in her perfect state right now.



I walked until my feet ached. I didn't even know that I reached the park without even sweating.

Whenever I pass by the convenience store across the hotel, my heart hurts. I remember our conversation earlier.

I was the only one that is hoping for our relationship to work again.

In those 6 years, I nevee thought of moving on. I never tried because I know, when I come back here, there is someone that is waiting for me. I knew Tae will wait for me. I knew he will not find another woman. And I hope that he thinks as me, too.

Yes, I love Tae so much. I missed him. When I first saw him earlier, I want to tell him how much I love him. I want to let him see that I still love him no matter how many years may pass and how apart we may be.

He's my sweetest first love.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

Dedicated to @queenkkhere (will edit for the real dedic ; ) )

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