t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"Why are you here?" I asked them and kissed the both of them on their cheeks. I am very surprised.

"We haven't eaten breakfast." Mom answered. She looked at the gang and smiled. "Oh, hi Momo!"

"Hello, ma'am." Momo bowed.

"It's nice to see you again, dear." Momo just smiled. It's really awkward. The gang shut up when my parents walked towards us.

"Mina," Dad looked at Mina. Mina stood up and bowed. "I'm glad to finally meet Sachiko's daughter."

"Me, too, sir." Mina said.

"I think you should continue eating with your friends, sweetie." Mom said and winked. I got what she wants to convey. "Let's meet a little while later."

"Okay, mom." I kissed her on the cheek.

"We love you, princess." Dad hugged me and kissed me. "We'll text you."

"Okay." I answered. "I love you, too."

"We'll go now." They went to the counter and ordered their breakfast. I went back to my friends and they are all looking at me.

"What?" I asked them. What's wrong with them?

"I think I just saw the male version of you, 4D." Dahyun said.

"What do you mean?"

"You and your dad look a like." Nayeon said. "A lot."

"Imagine yourself with glasses and a moustache." Tzuyu said.

"He's you and you're him!" Jin laughed. Why are they all so amazed about me and my dad looking a like?

"I think I just had my mind blown." Hobie said.

"So," Nayeon said. "When will you introduce Tae?"

"S-Shut it, guys." Tae said. I chuckled. He looks so cute.

"I'll introduce him to my parents now." I held Tae's wrist and dragged him towards my parents.

"Sana!" He shouted in a whisper. "D-Don't! I'm still not ready!"

"Hi, mom, dad." My parents stopped from talking and looked at us.

"Sana, princess, is there anything you want?" Dad asked me.

"Uhm, I would like to introduce you to this man over here." I pointed Taehyung. "He's my boyfriend." They smiled.

"Hello, dear." Mom stood up and hugged Taehyung.

"G-Good morning, m-ma'am...?" Taehyung said hesitantly. I wanted to laugh at his reaction.

"Good morning, son." Dad handed his hand out to Tae. It took Tae some time to take dad's hand.

"G-Good morning, s-sir...?" He answered. He's still hesitant with his replies.

"Call us mom and dad, okay?" Mom said and smiled. I'm really happy that they didn't get surprised or what. I'm glad that they accepted things easily.

"O-Okay." Tae nodded.

"Why don't you join us for breakfast?" Dad asked us while eating a crumb of the banana bread.

"We have to go back to our friends, dad." I answered. "But, thank you. Just text me guys if you're going to get my report card."

"Sure, sweetie." Mom replied. "Nice meeting you, dear." Tae just smiled awkwardly. I held his hand and intertwined our fingers.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now