t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Eight more days before Sana's birthday! I want to surprise her. I want to give her a ring. And I am on my way now to the mall to buy the ring. No, I will not propose to her or anything, but I want to give her that as a gift.

The jewelry shop was about to close, so I ran towards it. Fortunately, I reached it before it closes. I bought the most beautiful ring that I saw. It was the first ring that I saw, so I bought it.

"Thank you," I said to the cashier when she handed me my change. It's kind of stupid to buy a ring with my salary if I could buy more necessary things more than a ring, but no. For Sana? It will never be stupid.

And hey, I bought it with my own money, so it's alright.

I went to the dorm. I have the ring on my pocket. I won't give it to her until her birthday.

"Good evening, ahjumma." I greeted the caretaker and she just smiled back.

I went upstairs to go to Sana's room and knocked. I waited for her to open it and when she did, I asked her for dinner.

"Uh... Sana's not here." My eyebrows crossed. There is another girl.

"Well, will she come back? Do you know where she went?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No. She moved to Japan already. I am the new boarder here. My name is Jisoo."

I suddenly can't understand things.

"Oh, t-thank you." Jisoo smiled and closed the door. I was left outside, tearing up. I went to my room and threw my bag somewhere.

Sana... why? Why didn't you say that you'll be moving away now?

Tears continued flowing on my cheeks. I didn't know that it'll be this hard.

Shit, Sana. This is so hard. How dare you leave me without me knowing?

Sana... come back, please. I beg you to come back to me.

I saw a paper on my bed. It's a paper from a notebook. It was ripped out of the notebook, I guess. It was folded in quarters, so I opened it.

It's a letter from Sana. And it made me cry more.

Kim Taehyung ♡

Tae, I am sorry that I wasn't able to say goodbye to you. Things happened unexpectedly. I didn't know that mom and dad would decide that we will go back now.

I am truthfully sorry for leaving you. I am sorry if I can't find the courage within me. I didn't risk to fight my parents. I was selfish, Tae. But honestly, I always think of you whenever this topic comes up. I would always worry for what will happen to you if I will go.

I ask for your forgiveness, Tae. Please, forgive me.

But after all of this, remember this three words: I love you. You are the only man that I will love. You are the only man that I will commit to. I will share my life with you, Tae. I will be back for you. I promise.

I love you to the moon and back, Kim Taehyung. I love you. Don't forget that because I will never forget it.

- Kim Sana ♡



"Did you miss our home, sweetie?" Dad asked as soon as we entered our house. I almost forgot the smell and look of our old home.

"Kind of," I answered dad. He looks happy and so as mom. "Where's my room?"

"Oh, it's upstairs, honey. The first room that you will see is your room." Mom replied and I went upstairs. I entered my room and locked myself.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now