f o r t y - n i n e

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I opened my eyes and stretched out my hands. I noticed that I was sleeping on my couch. There's a pillow below my head and the blanket is covering my body. I sat down and looked around.

The last thing I remembered is that I was watching Jeong's drama and fell asleep.

I stood up--but my lower abdomen is killing me with the pain. I held my couch's armrest for support. I succeeded standing up, but I can't walk. I walked in a zigzag way. It took me a second or two to take a step again. I can't really walk properly!

I feel like my short pants have a stain already.

"Ugh!" I groaned in frustration.

"Hey!" Tae carried me and put me back on the couch. He's still here? I thought he left me already? "Don't stand up."

"Why? I want to pee!" I yelled at him, demanding.

"Ah, I thought you're going to get something." He again carried me like we were a newly wed couple. He took me to my restroom and locked it. Alien.

After doing my business inside my restroom, I went out and saw Taehyung making food again. Why didn't he become a chef if he loves cooking? Like, seriously.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"You have a wall clock there." He answered me, still focused on cutting the ingredients for the food.

"Just answer me, alien."

"6:56 PM." He faced me. "Argh!" He stopped from cutting the carrots and looked at his finger. Oh my god, he's bleeding!

I immediately came to his aid and looked at his sliced finger, "Aish! You're so clumsy! Don't look at me when you're cutting!"

"It's because you're beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of you." He's still in pain. I took his finger and asked him to wash it.

"I know I'm beautiful." I told him. He looked at me and smirked. I focused on his bleeding finger. The bleeding won't stop! "Tss! I'm taking you to the hospital, alien!" I took my jacket and held his wrist. I dragged him towards my car and made him sit on the passenger's seat.

I sat on the driver's seat and started driving towards the nearest hospital there is.

"How's your finger?" I asked him, constantly looking at his finger from time to time.

"It still hurts and it won't stop from bleeding." He said in another way I can't explain. I don't know if the finger is still the topic. It looks like he's pertaining to his emotions. Hurts and bleeds.

"Is it deep?" I asked him.

"Very deep," I heard him whisper. I sighed. "I don't think so." He answered.

"Do you think you will have to get stitches?"

"I don't think so," he again whispered. I'm getting guilty from what he's saying. "Uh, I don't know." The atmospere became awkward after his answer. I didn't bother asking him again. I ran out of questions.

We reached the hospital in no time. I parked and assisted Tae for his injured finger. I took him to the emergency room and I waited for him outside.


I took Tae to his apartment after getting stitches. He had 14 stitches on his finger. The ride earlier was silent. No one of us talked. It's really awkward.

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