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"Open your mouth, alien." I told Taehyung.

"Shut up, squirrel." And then he opened his mouth. I fed him with food and he started chewing it.

"Seriously, alien, why the hell would you stay outside while raining?" I asked him. He's getting fever because of his stubborness.

"It's none of your business, squirrel." And he rolled his eyes on me. What the hell is with this annoying alien?! "Why are you still here though?"

"I'm taking care of you, idiot."

"Why do you care?" I suddenly ran out of words. Why do I care? I've been annoyed by him since then and now I'm taking care of him? What is happening to me? "Tss, you speak without hesitation."

"Because I was guilty, duh." I raised my brow. "My friends told me that I should say sorry to you."

"And you don't have any plans on saying sorry, am I right?" He then opened his mouth and I fed him again.

"Why would I? You're so annoying. I sometimes forgot that I'm guilty because of you're annoying." I said.

"Why don't you lower down--"

"Don't speak, alien. You're eating." I cut him. "Did your parents raised you without etiquette?"

"They didn't because they're just farmers." He answered. I stayed silent when he started to tell. "We're not rich, okay? My parents are farmers--probably because my grandparents are just farmers, too."

"Then how come you can study in BYP?" I asked him.

"My aunt helped us." He replied. We did not speak after that. After what he'd said to me? That his parents have financial problems? What should I say?

"I'm glad to see that you look strong." I told him. I just continued on feeding him and I didn't notice that I fell into a sleep.


"I've heard that your dreams came true," I woke up because someone is singing. The voice is deep, probably because a man is singing and even though it's deep, I like how deep it is. The voice is too beautiful.

I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung strumming the strings of his guitar and singing. I was starstruck because of his performance. I suddenly thought of him as a good boy.

"Nevermind I'll find someone like you, ooh," he continued singing. His voice is as handsome as him. He's handsome, alright, but he's a troublemaker. Plus, he's annoying as hell. "I wish nothing but the best, for you, too." I didn't notice that I was singing as well that's why he stopped.

He stared at me for a moment. I didn't know why my heartbeat ran fast. We just stared, but it was ruined when he smirked. Tss, I can sense the annoying alien now.

"Am I good?"

"I'm better." I told him. "Did you have trainings?"

"I've had saxophone lessons." His answer is very far from my question.

"No, I mean, your voice. I'll admit it. Your voice is handsome." I told him and it made him smile. And then there's this heartbeat again.

"Thanks." He said while smiling. I stood up because I can sense my face heat up already.

"I'll go now." I told him. I took the tray and was about to open the door when he immediately stood up and opened it for me. "Thanks."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now