t h i r t y - n i n e

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Sana kept on mumbling while we're inside Yuta's car. She probably don't know what she's saying because she's really drunk. Her hand is clinged to my arm and her head is resting on my shoulder.

"My alien..." she said while asleep. She's dreaming for sure. "Me and my alien... forever." Hearing those words come out from her lips, gives me a tingly feeling. The smile from my lips were never erased until we reached the hotel.

"Do you mind if I carry her?" I asked Yuta. He smiled and shook his head. I carried Sana towards her room. People looked at us with their judgemental eyes.

I was stunned to see Mark rush towards us.

"What happened to her?" He asked. He's worried.

"She's just drunk. We had a party at Kookie's." I explained. "Do you mind?"

He faced me, "Not at all." We made our way to Sana's room.

As soon as we entered it, I carefully laid Sana on her bed. I tucked the blanket over her and kissed her on her forehead before leaving her.

"I... love you... Tae." I heard her say before I exit her room.

I turned to her and smiled. A tear came out from my eye when I smiled. "I love you, too, my squirrel." I closed the door and looked at Yuta.

"Thank you for helping." He said. "I can still see love."

"You can still see it because it never went away." I replied. "I must go."

"Maybe you should stay here instead." He told me.

"No, it's fine." I was at the door when he said something again.

"I have to go back to Japan. I have a flight 2 hours from now. No one will take care of Sana." He reasoned out.

"She's old enough to take care of herself." He chuckled. I know, he wants me to stay here until Sana wakes up. He's making excuses.

"I still have business there." I sighed in defeat.




Ugh, my head hurts! I sat down on my bed and leaned on the headrest. I massaged my temples to lessen the pain.

I can't remember anything well. All I knew is that me and Yuta went to Kookie's party and drank beers and wines.

Hangover sucks.

After that, things started to blur my vision, so I didn't know what happened since then.

I stood up and went to the shower room. I opened it and-

"OH SHIT!" I saw Tae and he immediately covered his lower body part with a towel. He turned the shower off and I was left shocked.

What the fuck just freaking happened?

I covered my eyes and ran away from him.

Why is he here? What is he doing here?

"NAKAMOTO!" I yelled inside the room, but no Yuta came. I took my phone and called him.

"Good morning, Minatozaki." He greeted in a playful tone.

"Where the heck are you?!"

"Osaka, Japan." He said. I can imagine him smirking while saying that.

"What. Are. You. Doing. There?!" He didn't say that he'll go home already! "And why is Taehyung here?!"

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now