t h i r t y - f o u r

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Hi guys. I know 32 is heartbreaking. So here's a NEW chapter.



"Are you sure you'll be okay, princess?" Dad asked me. I smiled at them and gave them a big hug.

"Yes, mom, dad. This is the day I've been waiting for." I chuckled and escaped from the hug.

"More than your graduation?" Mom asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. More than my graduation." They laughed at me.

"Okay. Be off, sweetie." Mom tucked my hair behind my ear. "We love you."

"I love you, too, mom, dad." I hugged and kissed them both before leaving. They waved their hands at me as soon as I start walking away from them.

Well, this is it.

Hello, Korea.


The flight is not that long, so I didn't have time to sleep. Plus, I am so damn excited! I get to see Korea again.

For the past 6 years, I didn't get the chance to see or go in Korea since I have to finish my studies first. Thank God, I finished it. After some months, I didn't know that I could be a businesswoman. Why? Because I have a perfume line.

When I was in Japan, I opened the first branch of my perfume line. My parents supported me with my business and it's starting to come along. I have big investors. Luckily, I have good feed backs from my customers. I often go there and talk to the customers. I want to see their reactions as soon as they buy my perfume collection.

Well, opening a business is hard at first. But if you have patience and hard work, it'll be easy for you.

Today is the day that I will go back to Korea--it's for business purposes. I will open my new branch there. And I get to have a vacation of my own.

No one knows that I will be coming back--except for Mark. He's coming to fetch me. I am nervous and excited at the same time. What will they look like after 6 years? I want to see the gang. Hopefully, I would bump into them and say hi or have tea with them.

But with Tae, I am not sure. He's mad when I left him. I tried contacting him although international calls are very expensive. But he never answered. Taeyoung noona became my spy. I ask her everyday and every night to check on Tae. I even send her mails and I will ask her if she could give it to Tae. I hope he will read it. I tried each and every possible communication that I could do just for Tae. I promised him that I will do anything for him.

For 6 years, I didn't forget him. I didn't forget to love him. I never fell out of love for him. Because that's what is written on my letter for him. I told him to not forget that I love him because I will never ever forget it.

For 6 years, I never tried to have a relationship with other men. I stayed single for Tae. My ring finger is still empty. I saved it for our wedding.

And then I finally stepped on Korea. The first step since I left. I smiled at the surroundings. I almost forgot what Korean people looks like. I went to the arrival section of the airport and there is Mark. He's wearing a black shirt dress that is tucked in with his long black slacks.

He looks like a businessman.

"Mark!" I called him and waved my hands widely in the air. He searched for me and when he finally saw me, he ran towards me and carried me. "Ya! Put me down!" He put me down and embraced me again.

"My gosh, Minatozaki Sana, you're blonde!" We both laughed softly. "And... so many things have changed. Except the fact that you're still the 8th wonder of the world."

"Yeah right, Mark." He chuckled. "But I'm still the same 4D Sana, you know."

"I know," he snickered. "Let's go? Which hotel will you be staying?"

"Duh, of course your hotel. Are you nuts?" He carried my bags and we went to his car. He loaded the bags and we hopped in.

Of course, he drove for me.

"You'll be staying the suite room, Miss Minatozaki Sana." He smirked. "So... how's life?"

"I'm a businesswoman." He laughed at me. What the heck. Is he okay? "Ya! I'm telling the truth!" I punched his muscular arms over and over again.

"Okay, jungle woman, I believe you." He composed himself, but he just laughed all over again. He has no hope! "What's your business?"

"Perfume line. I have errands to attend to that's why I'm here in Korea. I will open the first branch here." He nodded his head slightly. Silence occupied the space in his car. It's not awkward, but it's comfortable.

And then I noticed a ring on his ring finger. Oh. My. Gosh. Sweet mother of milky monkeys!

"Hey! You're married?!" I took his hand and stared at the ring with amazement in my eyes.

"Well, y-yeah." He nodded.

"To whom?!"

"Wendy," he smiled. I looked at his eyes and they are sparkling.

"You're in love! Mark Tuan is in love!"

"Hey, knock it off." He chuckled.

We reached the hotel. Mark hopped off and opened the car's door for me. He took his car to the valet and he ordered his staff to get my things. Mark led me to the suite room that he's saying. And when we got there, he just let me hang around my room. He told me that if I ever need something, I would just call him.

As soon as I locked the door, I went to the bed and laid there. This is such a tiring day!

I have a week for my vacation and for the errand. So even though I'm on vacation, I still have things to do.

I slept on the bed. After all, I am really tired.


The next day, I showered and went down. I asked people where the convenient store is. Luckily, it's just across the street. I miss crossing the street though. That's what I usually do 6 years ago. Crossing the street to get to school.

And I remember this time where he saved me from getting into an accident. He hugged me because a truck is coming to us. That was the first time I've seen his serious side. I am scared for life at that time. I thought that will be the end of my life. But it's not since he saved me.

I am thanking him for that.

I entered the convenient store and searched for food. Even though there is much healthier, more expensive and rare food that is being served inside Mark's hotel, I would still prefer food from the convenience store.

I miss buying food in the convenience store.

I looked for ramen and a bottle of water. I must say, the convenience store is pretty okay. I could see the cup of that delicious delicacy from the outside of the store and the water.

I took two ramen cups and a bottle of water. I like spicy foods!

I went to the counter and gave the food to the man that is in the cashier.

"₩ 2171.34." I gulped. My heart went wild, my brain can't understand anything, my hands froze and my feet were stuck on the floor.

I looked at him and yes, it's confirmed.

Kim Taehyung is infront of me right now.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

Dedicated to @ILoveSana_2wice (will edit for the real dedic ; ) )

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