f o r t y - e i g h t

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The next day, I woke up with my lower abdomen aching. And then I noticed a red stain on my bed.

The heck.

I hurried to my shower room and bathed. I didn't know that my period would strike today. Now, I feel so irritated. Ugh, talk about mood swings.

While I was combing my hair, I heard a doorbell. I rushed towards outside. A familiar motorbike surprised me. Beside the motorbike is its owner and he's holding a bouquet of red flowers. He took off his helmet and smiled.

"Good morning," he greeted. He stood outside my gate and I just stared at him, confused. "May I come in?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He handed me the flowers and I took it.

"I told you I won't give up, right?" He snickered. I sighed. Can't he just understand that I'll just hurt him if he'll stay? Stubborn Taehyung.

He stepped closer and smiled wider, "I promise to be mature, Sana."

"Have you eaten breakfast?" I know it's out of the topic, but I just don't want to talk about that same topic all over and over again.

"No, not yet." He said. I let him in my house and made him sit on the couch.

"I'll make breakfast." I put the flowers on the vase and I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast.



She's cooking breakfast. I thought and smiled like an idiot. Memories. I stood up and looked around her house. She's so successful now. How about you, Tae? Do you have any plans to be successful like her? How can you give her a life?

Thoughts came running through inside my mind. I groaned in frustration. These negative thoughts are sometimes eating my brain. As much as possible, I try to avoid being a pessimist. I turn all of the bad vibes to a positive thing.

I saw picture frames standing on a counter. I smiled as I see each one of them. There's a picture frame of Yoongi and Nayeon, Jimin and Dahyun, Namjoon and Jihyo, Tzuyu and Jungkook, Jin and Mina and Hobi and Momo. There's also a picture frame of Jeongyeon and Jeonghan--her boyfriend and Chaeyoung and Dino.

There's also a picture frame of me. But it was me alone. She's not beside me.

I sighed. She really had moved on from me. She gave up on me. Maybe it was me who faulted. I was the one who became immature and childish. I didn't understand her situation. I became selfish. I only thought of myself every time she leaves me.

I never realized that she's been doing that because she's selfless. Throughout a year, I tried being mature and understanding. I went to BYP often--almost every day and every night. I would smile like an idiot whenever I remember the moments me and Sana did. It's my only way of reliving the memories I had with her before. It's like she's beside me whenever I take a walk inside the campus.

"ARGHHHHH!" I heard a loud wail in the kitchen area. I ran towards the kitchen and I saw Sana on the floor. I am so tensed--I didn't know what to do! "Don't just stand there!" She yelled at me.

I carried her and laid her on her couch. She held her tummy so tight. "H-Hey, is your tummy aching?" I asked her. I kneeled down to level her face.

Her face is wrinkling because of pain. "N-No," she answered. I looked for a scrunchie in her house. Thank God I found one.

I used it to tie her hair up, atleast relieve the pain she's experiencing. I seriously don't know what to do in times like these. I just stared at her. I don't know what to do!

She barely stood up and ran towards the comfort room. I followed her. I heard her wail again.
"YA! TAEHYUNG!" she yelled.

"Y-Yes, Sana?" I asked her.

"GET ME A NAPKIN!" I did what she told me to do. I grabbed a table napkin and knocked on the door.

"Sana-ssi, here's your napkin." I told her. She opened the door slightly and took the table napkin I grabbed. I thought she's going to be okay, but she yelled at me.

"NOT THIS, YOU ALIEN!" She again opened the door slightly and threw the table napkin I got for her. "A PAD! GO UPSTAIRS! LOOK FOR IT INSIDE MY ROOM'S RESTROOM!" I rushed upstairs and looked for that 'pad' she's saying. Finally, I found it. I ran downstairs--I almost tumbled! I gave her the pad and waited for her outside. I am really worried.

After 5 minutes, she got out of the restroom. She looks so pale and she's sweating so hard. I accompanied her towards the couch and let her sit there. Again, I walked upstairs to get her a towel.

When I came back, she's just staring somewhere. I dried her face with the towel.

"You okay?" I asked her. She faced me with her eyebrows crossed. "You okay?" I asked her again.

"Get your food in the kitchen," she grabbed the pillow beside her and hugged it. I went to the kitchen and took my food. I was busy eating it when I remembered that Sana must've not eaten yet.

I stood up, carrying the plate. I washed it and searched for something in her kitchen. I'll make breakfast for her.

After some minutes or so, I served her the food I made. She didn't look surprised or anything. I placed it on the center table and sat beside her.

"What happened?" I asked her.

She sighed before replying, "I'm in my period, alien. Don't talk to me."

"Okay, I won't talk to you." She grabbed her food and started eating it. I just watched her eat it. She may have changed physically, but her personality didn't. After eating, she stood up and went to the kitchen area. I heard water flowing and I bet she's washing the dishes already.

Honestly, I left work to spend my day with her. But it's alright. I'm with my boss.

She came back, still frowning. She sat beside me and opened the television. She began switching the channels--finding some good and interesting TV show.

She stopped on a channel and watched some K-Drama or what. I'm losing interest, but then I saw Jeongyeon on the screen. This is Jeong's drama! I forgot the title, but I heard she's the female lead in this drama.

"Why is Jeong here?" Sana asked me. I didn't reply. "Hey, why is Jeong here?" I still didn't answer back. She hit my arm, "Talk to me!"

"Finally!" I exclaimed.

"What do you mean?"

"I just did what you told me to do," I replied. "You told me not to talk to you."

She scoffed, "Just answer me!"

"Chill. You don't have to be mad." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes. "That's her new drama. I bet you knew that she's an actress." She didn't talk afterwards. She just continued on watching and so did I.

10 minutes after, I felt weight on my right shoulder. Sana's head is leaning on my shoulder. I looked at her and she's already sleeping.

I took the remote and turned the television off. I rested my head on her head and slept, too.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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