f i f t y - o n e

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Taehyung didn't fail to give Sana a surprise visit anytime of the day as if he doesn't have any work. As if he doesn't have to do errands. He would go to her house after his morning shift. He has a paperbag of ingredients on his hands whenever he visits Sana. He almost doesn't go home because he sleeps in Sana's house. His apartment have been paid, but there's no one living there. What a waste of money.

But Sana didn't mind. She focused herself on her work as the CEO of her own company. The building of her business will be finished soon. She just have to sign papers and buy what's needed for the inside of that building. The building has 50 floors and her office is on the 25th. For the 25th floor, there are no other office on that floor. She owns the floor to herself.

Taehyung is courting her for a month already. She didn't know that he was already courting her because for her, it's the usual thing that Tae does. He goes to her house and make her a meal. He attends to her needs. Because of that, Sana agreed on Tae's stay. He will be living inside her house.

The good thing is Sana has a guest room. She doesn't have to share a room with Tae.

"Feels like high school," she thought while reading a contract. "We both share the same building." She chuckled with that thought. She's working for a night again, while Tae is in the guest room, already sleeping.

Tae's promise was kept until now. He promised not to surrender and be mature. Whenever Sana has to go to another town and check her new branch, he would always say yes and sometimes, he would take her to that town.

But she wishes that Taehyung will still be matured when the time comes that she has to go to other countries for business purposes. Leaving him scares her. Especially now because she's getting attached to him again. She said to herself that she already moved on. Yes, it is true, but Tae is giving her reason to fall in love with him again.

She heard a knock on her door. Tae must be outside. She thought. She took her glasses off and walked towards that door. She opened and there's Tae with a red face.

"What...?" She was out of words. She doesn't know what to say because Tae is very red. "Did you drink?" She asked him.

Tae nodded and smiled playfully. He raised the bottle of soju on his hand, "Drink with me, Sana!"

"What the heck, Tae?" She laughed at him. She took his soju and led him to her bed. Her office is inside her bedroom. So technically, when she goes outside her office, what she'll see is her bedroom.

Tae is very tipsy because of the soju, so she took him to her bed instead since that was the nearest place where she could take him. And she's busy. She has no time for Tae's playfulness this time.

"Don't stand, okay?" Sana slapped Tae's face gently.

"I want my soju!" Tae said, trying to grab his drink.

"I'll keep your soju for a while, okay? You have to sleep because you are drunk." Tae didn't answer back. He just closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Sana smiled and kissed him on his temple.

She accepted to herself that she has feelings for Tae again. For one month of Tae courting her, why would she not fall for him? She already fell for him before, so why not let herself fall again?

They are now both mature. They understand each other. They accepted each other's faults and they are not keeping secrets from each other.

She emptied the soju bottle and threw it in the garbage can. She then entered her office, wore her glasses and continued working. After all, it's for her own future.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now