t w e n t y - s i x

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My phone rang.

Dad is calling...

I answered it and greeted him with glee, "Hey, dad!"

"Good morning, princess. How are you?" He seems to be in a good mood.

"I'm fine, dad." I answered. "How about you? I sense that something good happened and it made your day."

"Wow, you really know me, Sana." We both laughed. "I have good news, princess."

"Spill it, dad." I told him. He giggled before replying. Is this really my dad? Looks like he was possessed by a little girl. Is he really that happy?

"We're going back to Japan after your graduation." I was froze for a moment. This is what I am afraid of. "Princess? Are you still there?"

"Y-Yes, dad." The first thing that came into my head is Tae.

"Isn't that great? We're going back to Japan and we'll stay there for good." My heart ached. "You will start your college there."

"D-Dad..." I called him. "...isn't it a l-little bit early for us to go back?"

"Are you fine, Sana? This is the moment you've been waiting for, right? You asked me about this for years and now that we're going back, you're backing out?" I am getting scared of dad's tone. "What is keeping you from going back?"

"Dad, can we talk about this later? I have to go to school." He sighed. "Sorry, dad."

"Alright. I'll call you later. Keep safe, princess. I love you."

"I love you, too, dad." And then he ended the line. I was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Hey," I was stopped from thinking about it when Tae snapped me out from thinking. "Are you okay?" He asked me while smiling.

I smiled back, "Y-Yes. Let's go?" I held his hand and we both went to school.

"Will you be busy for the day, Tae?" I asked him as we walk down the hallway.

"Yes." He nodded. "Sorry if I am not able to text you."

I smiled, "It's alright. But next time, please text me. I'm worried." But he just chuckled. Is he thinking that I am joking? "Hey! Did you hear me?"

"Yes, I did." He chuckled even more. Now, he's laughing at me. Seriously?

Everytime I think about leaving Tae, my heart literally aches. It's like someone is pinching my heart. I couldn't just accept the fact that I must leave him. I can't leave him. I will not be able to leave him.

But I also thought of Mark. He kissed me yesterday night. And it bothered me the whole night. I was not able to sleep that night because of that kiss.

I will leave Tae too many heartaches if I will go back to Japan and if I will not tell him what happened yesterday night. He has to know about this soon. Well, sooner. But I can't stand seeing him being hurt because of me. It will also hurt me. But he will be more hurt than me.

"Aren't you going to the classroom?" I asked Tae because he stopped at the student council's office.

He shook his head, "No. But please tell Nayeon that I went to school. I am just excused."

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