e i g h t e e n

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"Ya! What are you doing?" Noona asked me when I tried standing up. "You'ee still not okay!"

"I want to have dinner with Sana." I told her.

When my foot touched the floor, it felt like nothing happened. But earlier, I feel like I'm in hell because of the pain.

"You're okay now?" She shockingly asked. I am shocked too that my leg is okay now. Maybe it just cramped earlier.

"M-Maybe," I took a step and it's really okay now. But before going to Sana's room, I opened my bag and took a delivery card. I dialled the number and ordered pizza for the both of us. After ordering, I continued on walking towards Sana's room, but Noona asked me something before I leave her.

"Tae," I faced her before exiting the room. "Do you love her?"

"Yes." I answered without hesitations. "It might look or sound wrong that I already love her because we've only known each other for four months, but yes. I love her."

"Ah..." she whispered something but I didn't hear it.

I knocked on Sana's door and waited for it to open. When she opened it, I saw her eyebrows crossed. Is she in the mood?

"What are you doing here? You should be inside your room and resting." She squatted and touched my leg to check. "Is your leg okay now?"

"I-It just cramped earlier." I told her. She stood up and looked at me. "Let's have dinner."

"And you'll leave me again after dinner?" She frankly said. I froze. I felt very shameful when she said those words. I don't want to say the real reason why I leave her after dinner because I am sure that she will force me to stop working.

She sighed, "Come in." I entered her room. Her room is very neat. It's like she's waiting for a visitor to come. "I will order food--"

"I already dialled the pizza house." I cutted her. She put her phone inside her pocket and we sat on the two-seater dining table. She made her parents buy it for her since we always eat dinner here.

"Sana--" and then someone knocked. I was about to stand up, but she insisted. She opened the door and took the delivery. She paid for it. And hurted my pride. I hate it when things like these happen. She has to pay for something that I should be the one that should pay that. It's like she's slapping the reality to me. That I can't afford things like her. Because she's rich and I am not.

She placed the boxes on the table and went to her mini fridge. She took two Coke bottles there. My favorite beverage. And then she came back and placed it on the table. She sat infront of me and started eating.

"I-I'm sorry, Sana." Was all that I could say. I know that it's not enough for all of the troubles I've caused, but still I wanted to say sorry. If I will explain, she would force me to stop. And I can't. Even though that she will say that it's fine with her if we will not eat dinner every night or go to date every weekends. But for me, it's not okay.

"Did you realize how worried I am after you leave me?" She looked at me. She looks mad. This is the first time I've seen her that way. "I am so worried, Tae. I don't have any idea where do you go every night. I am worried that you might get into fights or even accidents and I can't afford to lose someone like you. Where do you go, Tae? Can you please atleast tell me where?"

I didn't answer. I can't answer her question.

"Let me be, Sana." I told her. "I am sorry if I can't answer your question. You can't understand it."

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now