f i f t y - t h r e e

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"Hey," Yuta hugged me as soon as I got off Ryu's private jet. It took off on the helepad of the hospital. "I'm glad you made it."

"How's Ryu?" I asked him. He stayed silent. "Take me to my friend, please?" He nodded and led me towards Ryu's room. He told me that his room is spacious, but counted individuals are only allowed to enter the room. We have to wear masks and lab gowns before we could enter Ryu's room.

I first saw a man, sleeping on the bed with a mask on his face. I walked towards him.

Ryu looked so thin. He's kind of pale. He looked like a dying vegetable in a market.

"How did he get that disease?" I asked Yuta. He sat down on the couch, crossed his legs and arms and answered me.

"From other people smoking." He answered. "He inhaled nicotine."

"How? Why?" I asked him. "Are there employees smoking inside the building?"

"No, there's no one smoking inside the building." He shook his head. "He usually goes to the bar these days. I know that he's somewhat stressed because of the business, but going to bars and having a drink are his ways to relieve stress."

"Then why don't you drink with him inside his house?" I asked him.

"I have never thought of that." He was shook. "Maybe because he wants to be alone."


"I don't know, okay?" He answered me. "I'm not his personal assistant, so don't ask me questions that I can't answer."

"You should know that because you're the one who's with him." I rolled me eyes at him. I shifted my glance at Ryu. He really looks peaceful. As far as I know, he has no family left. His father died during a war and his mother died because of some kind of disease. He has no siblings. He has to take care of himself after college. I took care of him as a friend. I cheered him up, although his personality is a bit like Yoongi's.

"Are you going to sleep here?" Yuta asked. I faced him and glanced back at Ryu.

"Maybe." I nodded.

"Thank God! I have been sleeping here for 2 nights already. I want to go home." My eyebrows crossed.

"So you called me to take care of Ryu?" He nodded. This jerk. "I promised Tae that I will be back after a day."

"You and Tae are now okay?" He inquired. "Wow, I didn't know that. Since when did you guys started dating?"

"This isn't about me, okay?" I told him. I can see his smirk under his mask. "Go home. I'll be taking care of Ryu."

"Okay, thank you." He stood up, hugged me and exited the door. I was left with the sleeping Ryu.

Throughout the night, I didn't leave him. I stayed awake although I'm really sleepy. I just want to look after him for the whole night.

I wonder what is Tae doing right now. It's almost 1 AM and Korea and Japan has the same time zone. Maybe he's sleeping already. After all, it's been a long day for him.

Truthfully, when he allowed me to go here, I am very unsure if I will still go here or what. I want to see Ryu's condition, but I also want to see Tae everyday. It's kind of in my routine. Seeing him everyday in the same house.

I saw Ryu's fingers move. He's waking up. He opened up one of his eyes and looked in my direction. I smiled at him, although he won't be able to see my smile because of the mask.

My Sweetest First Love (Taesana Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now