f o r t y - s e v e n

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Jimin texted me the name of the church and the venue of the reception after the baptismal of the baby.

I didn't have time to wrap the gifts for the baby, so I just kept it inside the paperbag and scraped the pricetags.

I was ten minutes late from the ceremony and it really bothered me. This is a special event for Yoongi and Nayeon. I couldn't let this slip through.

As soon as I reached the church, I parked my car and ran towards the entrance of the church. And there I saw Yoongi beside Nayeon. Nayeon is holding their baby and the godmothers and godfathers are surrounding them.

I saw Chaeng taking photos of the baby. I walked towards them and they didn't notice me because the baby caught all of their attention.

"What's the baby's name?" The priest asked.

"Min Yoona." Nayeon answered. The priest said the vows an poured holy water on the baby's head afterwards.

Chaeng was busy taking photos, that she didn't notice that I was behind her and she accidentally stepped on my foot.

"Oh my, I am very sorry!" She said and bowed. I smiled at her. She got her hair dyed. Red hair, huh?

She faced me and got shocked. "S-Sana?" When she said my name, everybody turned to me. They all looked like they saw a ghost or something.

"Continue," I mouthed and they went back to the ceremony. I just watched them and I can't help but to smile.

Yoongi and Nayeon with their baby, Yoona, looks so perfect. They are the perfect family. I can see the happiness in Yoongi's eyes. He has never been his happy. Meanwhile, Nayeon's face is filled with joy. The way she looks at her daughter is priceless. No material thing on earth can level her happiness towards her child.

The ceremony finished. Of course, they took photos. While me? I sat down on a bench and just watched them. They are all happy. They are happy even though I'm not beside them. Maybe they also moved on.

"Sana! Come here!" Chaeng gestured to come to her. I shook my head and told them that it was okay. I've seen the faces of others. Their expressions are unexplainable. And I can definitely feel the awkward aura between me and them.

"C'mon!" Chaeng demanded. I stood up and stood beside her. I made a peace sign pose. I think Chaeng is the only person that is comfortable with me.

The photoshoot finished and we are off to the reception area. I honestly don't want to come anymore, but Jimin and Chaeng forced me to.

"Sana," Chaeng walked towards me. I smiled and faced her. "Can I go with you? My boyfriend can't pick me up because he's in a meeting." She even looked at her phone.

"Sure thing, baby tiger." Her smile got wider. She hopped in my car and I drove ourselves off.

"I didn't know that you'll be coming back," she said. "And you dyed your hair black!"

"I didn't go to Japan. I stayed here," I answered her. "I never came back to Japan after Tae and Yuta's fight."

"What? We asked Ryu about it and he said that you went with them." She told me. I chuckled in reply. "You hid from us?"

"Not exactly. I didn't hide." I answered. "Are you guys mad at me?"

"I am not. In fact, I am very excited to see you again." She smiled. Her deep dimples are popping out again. "I don't know about the others. It looks like they don't expect to see you. And they're not happy about it." I sighed.

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