Chapter 2: Ren Suzuki

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"The Hokage should be here any minute.  Are you ready?"  Ren sat outside of my cell staring at me.
"Yes."  I said and he sighed.
"Don't take off your blindfold even if you are given the option to.  You can't control your power.  We don't need you hurting Lord Third."  He stated as he went on.  Ren was 27 years old.  He looked young for his age.  He had no wife or kids he was mainly on his own since he had the same eyes as me.  He was a distant relative.

I guess Ren and was the only one that truly understood how I felt and how life was for me.  They locked him up when he was little.

I heard he never became a Shinobi but his true power is greater than a Jounin's, but he was never really allowed to use it.  I guess I was lucky that I was getting the opportunity to become a Shinobi.

"Oi!  Are you even listening to me?"  Ren hit my head through the bars.  I rubbed my forehead which was throbbing in pain.
"May, I'm trying to help you.  This is a big opportunity for you.  You are lucky."  He said and I nodded.
"I know.  I'm ready."  Something about Ren confused me.  He didn't have his golden eyes.  His eyes were blazing blue.
"Why are your eyes-"
"I'll tell you later.  The Hokage is here.  Good luck."  He got up and left.

I could see the Hokage, a man, and ANBU members being greeted by my father. He was leading him here. I should stand up and greet him. Once the Hokage entered the room, I stood up and bowed.

"Hello Mayumi." He smiled at me and I blushed.

"I'm The Third Hokage and this is Iruka. He's been teaching the children your age for many years. They've finally graduated." The Hokage smiled at me once again. This was the first time I was meeting him in person. It was quite an honour.

"The clan keeps you in here. Don't you feel uncomfortable?"
"This is what the clan members wish for. I'm okay with this." I told the Third who looked back at me with a frown. I'm okay here.

I looked at the man beside him. I could tell he was nervous. It was because of my eyes wasn't it?

"I'm I-Iruka. I'll be leading this exam to determine whether you graduate or not." He said and I raised my hand to my cheek. He was scared of me.

"Touch the blindfold and there will be severe consequences." There was ANBU that surrounded the room. Two were in my cell. They both held their hands against my neck.

I gulped and slowly lowered my hand. I was scared. I was tearing up. My tears were slipping through the blindfold. I wasn't going to take off my blindfold. I was trying to wipe my tears.

"I knew I shouldn't have brought the ANBU. Damn the elders for forcing it upon me." The Third Hokage sighed.

"All of you, get out this instant. Even I could see the girl was trying to wipe her tears. You all are too threatening. She's just 12." The Third Hokage demanded.
"But Lord Third-" An ANBU tried to argue.
"I said out." The ANBU quickly left the room.

"Now, we shall get started." The Third smiled at me and I nodded.
"This examination will be longer than the other ones since you haven't been to the academy." Iruka said.


I sat in my cell staring at the headband I received.

"Congratulations Mayumi. You are now a Genin. Tomorrow you shall come and get your photo taken for your ninja registration form."

The Hokage smiled at me so much more than anyone ever has. It made me excited on the road to being a Shinobi. I was finally gonna have more freedom.

"Oi!" I looked to my window to see Ren squatting on my window ledge.
"Ren you can't-"

Ren came inside of my room.

"We are getting you out of here. You're a Genin now. We should celebrate. I'm taking you out for Ramen." He said.
"Ra, what?" I asked confused.
"You don't know what Ramen is?!" Ren asked shocked.
"I don't remember when I've actually left the clans household or this room in fact."
"What does your father feed you?"
"Rice... Meat... Fruit... Vegetables... That's all I think..." I said thinking. I was broken out of my thoughts when Ren broke the lock to my cell. He sat in front of me.

"Ren!  My father will kill you."  I panicked a bit and he ignored me.
"Take off the blindfold." He demanded and I immediately shook my head. If I really do have demon powers, I definitely wouldn't want to use it on Ren.

"I'm gonna seal your powers for now. I know you don't know how to control them."
"If I take this blindfold off, I'll hurt you."
"You'll only hurt me if you want to." He said. I slowly took off the blindfold and I could actually see for once. I wasn't relying on the power of my eyes.
"I can see.. Ren I can see without using the power of these eyes!" I grabbed his shirt and we were faces to face and he laughed.

I sat back and he stared me straight in my eyes.
"You have beautiful, golden eyes." He said and I turned away blushing.
"Thank you."

"Now close your eyes." He said and I did as told. I felt his hand rest over my eyes. He removed it.

"Now open your eyes." I opened my eyes and they felt different.

"Your natural eye colour is blue. Just like mine." Ren said and I stared at him strangely. I was confused.

"I'll explain it all later. We are getting out of here. I'm gonna show you the village." Ren held his hand out to me.

I took it.

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