Chapter 33: The Chunnin Exams - The Forest of Death (Part 5)

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I regained control of my body.

Ren told me, weakness was in the eyes and the stomach.  And the stomach was an easy hit.

"I'm Mayumi Suzuki.  What you just saw was something that I think lives in me.  It's a voice that takes over."  I stated.  They deserved and explanation for saving me.

"Well I'm Shikamaru, this is Natsumi, Choji and Ino.  Choji found you passed out on the ground."


"You look pretty messed up..  What happened?"  Natsumi asked me.

"I got into a fight with one of the females from the sand.  She punctured me with her arrow.  When Gaara came -- the guy with no eyebrows, it took over."

"Woah, that guy seems creepy."  Natsumi said.

"You said something about Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto being in danger.  What did you mean?"  Ino asked me.

"Naruto and I were blown away by this gust of wind.  We were ambushed, and I think Sasuke or Sakura were the targets.  They were separating us from them.  I knocked out and that sand girl tied me up.  I have to get back to them."  I groaned standing up weakly.

"Hey!  Take it easy."  Shikamaru said and I shook my head.

"My comrades -- no, friends need my help.  Please let me go."

"You'll die out there."  Natsumi stated.

"You seemed to not care a few minutes ago.  Don't stop me."  I coughed as I slowly limped away.  Shikamaru gripped my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"We'll go with you."  He said and my eyes widened.


I was so tired, but Sasuke and Naruto haven't woken up. I can't sleep. Sasuke was returning back to normal. His breathing was going back to normal and everything which was calming.

I heard a rustling sound behind me and I quickly grabbed my kunai. I was shaking, but this wasn't a time to be scared.

I turned around to see a squirrel.

"Geez... Don't scare me like that.." I sighed. Then the squirrel started to run towards me and I saw the explosive note on its back. I threw the kunai to scare it off and it ran off.

That was close. But I definitely know someone's targeting us.


Okay... I don't know what was wrong with me for trying to help this girl. She'd lead us right to her group to get their scroll, yeah I know, but now we were stuck hiding from the two last years tied number 1 rookies.

Neji Hyuuga and Minako Suzuki. Let's hope they walk away without recognizing our presences.

"You look like you got in a mess." Neji spoke to the girl.

"I got jumped by three guys from the mist! Can you believe that?! Jumping a lady like me?!" Minako spoke with confidence.

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