Chapter 80: Returned

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On the way back to the leaf, it was quiet. I had to carry back Lee on my sand as he was in an extreme amount of pain. Mayumi kept trembling. I knew it was because of me, but I could see that it was also because of something else.

I was in shock that she was still alive. I killed her. It still makes no sense to me. Was this a sign of redemption? Another chance to do things the right way?

Mayumi eventually broke down completely. She cried in pain clutching her chest. I froze on the spot not knowing what to do. Lee quickly jumped to her aid no matter what pain he was feeling.

"Mayumi! What's wrong?!" Lee asked her and she cried out.

"My insides are burning! It's hard to breathe!" She was full on crying. I could feel my chest hurt at the sight.

Hehehe... When you can't control your own power, it devours your insides.

~ ~ ~

She of course passed out. I had to carry her back on my sand, and we had to rush back. Her breathing was shaky. When we returned to the leaf, there were medical ninjas and people at the gates.

"Lee!" The man that looked identical to him called.

"Gai Sensei!" Lee hobbled to him and the hugged. That could've been my father and I. I mean, we pretty much looked the same. I was just the younger version.

"There she is!" A man called out. "Mayumi!" Beside that man was Mayumi's sister. For once, I saw concernment on her face.

When I stepped into the gates, they all stepped back. People gave me looks of disgust, anger.

They fear you. Hehehe...

I know. Who wouldn't..

I softly brought Mayumi before them on my sand.

"It's just as expected." The man stated in frustration. "Ren's going into his final cycle. The bits of power he has left is pouring into her. She can't control it. So it's destroying her insides."

Her sister looked on in confusion on what to do. I was surprised she had this side to her after the Chunin exams.

"I have to stabilize her." He looked up at me. "Thank you for bringing my daughter back." He gave me a thankful smile and I returned with a nod. So this was Mayumi's father.

"So give her to us. We don't need your sand anymore!" Mayumi's sister furrowed her eyebrows to me. Well she remembers me.

"If you move her too much, you'll lose her. My sand is keeping her the most stabilized. I'll bring her to wherever you need her to be." I replied.

"The Hospital." Her father demanded.

"Absolutely not!" Minako yelled at her father.

"Watch your tone, Minako! This boy is saving your sister's life!"

"My apologies father, but don't you know who he is!"

"I know who he is. I'm worried about your sister's life here, and he's willing to help.  We are going to the the hospital right now."

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