Prologue - Edited

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Authors note quickly.


When in those prints it means that they are talking. This only applies to this chapter.

I felt the tears pouring down my face. I couldn't believe that my own parents would do this to me. Kick me out as if I was worthless, it's just as much their fault as mine. They were the ones who gave birth to me, the freak. If anyone should be punished for it, it should be them. I never asked for all of this to be put on my shoulders. I never asked for them to make me into something that can't be loved.

But that doesn't change that fact that I am currently running through the forest with tears dripping down my face and an angry pack on my heals. I only have another mile before I am out of pack lands and they can't follow me anymore, but I honestly don't know if I will make it. My legs hurt, my feet are cut up and frantically trying to heal themselves, and my lungs burn with all of the running I am putting my body through. I am a pretty fit person, but I have never ran as much as I have in these past few hours.

I want to cry out in frustration as I see one of the pack warrior in my peripheral vision. He has saddled up to the left of me and ran faster then I could ever wish of doing. I was still sore from my shift and wouldn't be able to properly run for a few weeks from this harsh treatment. I won't be able to walk after this, let alone run.

I could feel the muscles in my legs protesting from the extreme pain they are going through. Before I was even able to get out of the pack house I was cornered and beaten by my fellow pack members. The ones who claimed they were my family and would never hurt me in all of my life. The ones meant to protect me.

The bruises on my legs burn worse then the lashes on my back from the pack as they got close enough to swipe at me with their claws. The alpha giving them all free reign if they got close enough to hurt me.

I sigh in relief when I see the markers in the distance. Markers mean safe, and safe means not dead. And not dead equals a life where I can live happily without worrying about my pack coming after me.

The markers show where our, or their, pack lands end. Once I cross the marker then I am home free from their horrible excuse for a pack. I won't ever have to be bothered by them ever again. Unless of course I travel into the lands again, but I won't ever consciously do that for all that I live.

I push harder for the last hundred yards and sob out in relief when I finally cross the border. I see the wolves circling around the marker before they howl and turn back around before dissapearing from my view.

I can only make it a few more miles before my legs finally gave out. I fall asleep on the forest floor, tears still sliding down my face.


I groan as I lift my head of the ground. I wipe off the pebbles and dirt that are stuck to my face before stumbling to my feet. It was dangerous to fall asleep so close to the pack house. If someone really wanted to, they could cross the border and find me before tearing me to pieces, and with the state of sleep I was in I probably wouldn't have even noticed their presence before it was too late.

I know I must look like a mess with the dirt staining my face and tear tracks streaking down my cheeks, if my father saw me now I'm sure he would be dissapointed in me, more than he already is.

I growl at myself. I shouldn't think of what my father would think. He's dead to me, along with my mother. I wish I could have done more for my younger siblings but I know I wouldn't ever make them become rogue just because I had to be.

Be quiet you incompetent human. Don't you hear that. I freak out for a few seconds before I realise that it was just Ash talking in my head. Ash is the bear that lives inside of me. He is usually pretty quiet, and let's my other...personalities, take over. I rolled my eyes at him anyways but strain my ears to listen to whatever it is that he already heard.

My ears twitched and a frown slides onto my face as I hear the whimpers a few yards away from where I am partially off the ground. I know that I have to be careful of tricks from other rouges but I couldn't let it go. The sounds made my heart twist inside of me and I know I would never be able to live with myself if an innocent child died because of my fear.

I stood up on unstable legs before stumbling in the direction of the noise. I'm sure that whatever or whoever was out there could hear my approach but didn't do anything about it. So, it is either a trick to get me to them or someone really does need help.

I reach a clearing and look around the area. On the edge of the clearing I see a thorn bush moving and hear the small whimpers coming from said bush. I walk cautiously over to the bush, allowing time for my legs to get accustomed to each step I force myself to take.

I knelt down when I get close enough to the bush and peer inside. What I saw shocked me and I didn't know what to do. I have never, in my whole life, have seen something like this.

I reached passed the thorns and pulled the two lion cubs into my arms. Lion shifters are really rare now after hunters went crazy at hunting then down for furs. It's rare enough to see one lion shifter, but two, and cubs. I don't think that has been heard about in years. Lion shifters are really separated from the rest of shifters, probably having to do with their limited numbers.

I look around and see no one close, straining my ears and hearing the same silence of the forest as before. Someone has left these Cubs here, and they have obviously been here for a while.

"Don't worry." I cooed to the cubs as the continued to whimper. "I'll look after you, I promise." I look down at them to check what gender they were and noticed they were both boys.

"I'll name you Finn and Fitz. I'll be your new Alpha, I'll protect you from anyone who will try and hurt you. I'll be your pack." I murmur as I gaze down at them. Their whimpering had stopped and now they gazed up at me with wonder in their eyes. The seemed to be young, but they can shift back and forth between their animal form and human form. You are born as a cub but then at two you change into a human, and some species can change back and forth whenever they want, werewolves being one of the species that can change back freely after birth.

How dare someone leave these Cubs out here all by themselves? What if someone else were to have found them? Nixon snarls as he paces back in forth inside my mind. I feel the same as my cheetah. I don't know what these Cubs would have become if someone besides me had found them, or they hadn't been found at all.

"Can you shift back for me, so I can see you?" I ask as I place them down on the ground. The whimper and curl closer to my legs. They nuzzle my knees and lick and the cuts strewn across them. I smile at their cuteness and attentiveness to my injuries. I can already feel a pack bond forming between me and my two little Cubs. Tobias, my wolf, purrs contentedly in my mind as he watches the two Cubs, the most dominating of all of my shifts extremely happy that I am building a pack of my own. I pet the Cubs down their soft, furry backs and ask them to shift again.

Finally after a few minutes of yowling and me cooing the cubs into shifting they finally do so. It only takes a few seconds before two boys are sitting in front of me, both of them having dark brown hair, almost the same shade as my own, and bright blue eyes. My eyes soften as I watch then clutch at my knees and their whimpers once again fill my sensitive ears.

I pull them into my arms and lean against one of the trees. They cuddle in my arms and nuzzle my chest, my body still aches from my quick departure from my old pack, but I hold the two Cubs as close to me as I can. Relishing in the feeling of the two new pack bonds snapping into place in my heart.

This is my pack. My real one.

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