Chapter 15

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I growled playfully as I leaped my way across the field where Fitz and Maddox were standing. The both turned to look at me, and both had different reactions. Maddox smirked at me before crossing his arms over his chest, the little prick wasn't intimidated by me, but if the way Fitz squealed and darted away from me, proved that he was.

I chased after him amd finally caught up with him, although I could have the second I had him in my sight. He squealed shamefully as I bit down on the top of his shirt - I am surprised he is actually wearing one - and lifted him up while dragging him behind me.

He twisted around and I immediately let go of his shirt, I didn't want it to get to tight and he started choking.

"Daddy!" He cried as he threw his arms around my neck. I purred as I rubbed my furry orange face against his smooth pale one. He squealed again before ripping off his own shirt and pants before shifting into his lion cub.

He roared at me before rearing up and charging. I let him tackle me to the ground and let him nip around my body with his sharp little baby teeth, but I could care less when I saw Josiah and Blaze take off their own clothes before shifting into their forms.

Josiah's form was sleek, but bulky. I haven't ever seen a cheetah look like him before. Ever step he took his leg muscles coiled, ready to launch him forward and take down the kill.

Blaze, Blaze was completely different. He rose another foot, if that is even possible, and his fur gleamed underneath the sky. His melted chocolate eyes were so dark that you could barely make them out from against his fur. He chuffed loudly before lumbering his way towards us. I yowled at him as I rolled unto my back and wiggled from side to side trying to get rid of the irratatting itch. Josiah shortly followed after him, and then another wolf, a brown one with white markings down the sides of his body making it look like his body was blurred together. I assumed the wolf was Maddox since neither Blaze or Josiah attacked his when he came and rubbed his body against mine and Fitz's.

He purred in my face before licking my muzzle. I yowled at him before turning around and leaping onto Josiah, who had been trying to sneak up on us and attack us.

He growled playfully from underneath me before nipping my chest. I growled back at him before letting Ash take over. Disbelief showed on Josiah's face as he saw me shifting before he frantically started to squirm below me, no shifter wants to be stuck underneath a bear shifter, we weigh a lot, and we fall asleep very easy. Blaze has seemed to already fall asleep against some tree a few yards away from us.

Josiah yowled a final time at Maddox for help before slumping underneath me as my final shift took place. Ash grunted in his face before letting half of his weight fall down onto Josiah. He growled at us again before looking at something behind him and wearing a cat like smirk.

I turned just in time to get attacked by Maddox, the human, and taken down to the ground. His naked body rubbed against Ash's, and I could feel Ash getting more exited then he should. Maddox seem to understand because he leaped of of me at an alarming rate with against blush spreading across his tan face.

"Uh, I didn't know that I could, um, do that to your, uh, bear." Maddox stuttered as he grew redder and redder. I snorted at him before shrugging. Nothing about our relationship is normal, why would he assume now that something normal would happen?

Ash takes over a small part of my mind before flipping over and showing his obvious approval of Maddox's body. I don't ask why he is so bold about his aroused member, since I can't even walk around in my underwear without blushing.

Maddox darkened a shade more before bursting out laughing. He pointed at Blaze behind him, who was still in his shift, sitting the same way I am,  with his very large aroused member pointing at the two of us.

I was so embarrassed I shifted out of Ash and back to my human form, Thorne whined that he wasn't let out, but he was soon silenced when I told him I would let him out eventually, when I currently wasn't being pointing at with a foot long bear dick. He even blushed, as much as a wolf could, before I scooped up Fitz and carried him back to our room.

I could hear the three of them belly laughing from outside, and despite my embarrassment, I let a tiny smile break through my stone facade.

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