Chapter 21

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"Daddy, it was so much fun! I was scared to jump at first, but then Blaze jumped, and Maddox told me he would jump with me. I never thought almost dying would be so much fun. I loved it, can we go back again soon? Please!" I smile down at Fitz and nodded my head. Even though he thought he was going to die he still had an amazing time. I never will understand what goes through out brains as children, but apparently it's must be filled with ponies and rainbows if the way he is excited now is any consolation.

"That's amazing, baby. I'm glad you had fun." I tell him as I run my hand through his shaggy, wet hair. He grins up at me before darting up the stairs and into our bedroom.

After Josiah and I had, uhm, gotten reacquainted with eachother he allowed me to leave the room, but only if he was able to stay near me. I was complaining because the small kisses he dropped onto my lips ever few minutes while I was reading my book made the warmness in my heart swell with ever beat it took.

"Thank you for taking him. It seems like he had a lot of fun." I thank Maddox and Blaze. The wave me off but both come and get their own peck from my lips.

"Not a problem, Sweetheart. The kid's amazing, by the way, even though he kept splashing water into my eyes. The little twerp knew it too." Blaze grumbled was he wrapped his warm tightly around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. I laughed at his pouty face before turning to Maddox.

"So, I was wonder when I'll be able to meet the pack, and when I can introduce my pack to yours?" I ask as I leaned into the side of Blaze's body. He squeezed my shoulders again before turning and talking to Josiah who he had underneath his other arm.

"I thought you wanted to wait?" Maddox asks as he takes a seat on the chair next to the island. It's sad that even though I'm not even short that when he sits down he's still the same height as me.

"I don't mind when. It just feels like everyone is ignoring us, and I don't want them to feel weird about us being here, expecially since I'm your mate, well, one of them." I answer honestly as I look to where Ajax and Emerson are playing at the small circle that pack has made around them as the glance at the two loud boys out of the corner of their eyes.

"We can do it whenever you want. We can make it into a bonfire, but just saying you probably won't rememeber all of them right away. The pack is large, over a hundred wolves, cats, bears, birds, any kind of supernatural creature really. Only about twenty of then are actual memebers, the ithers come and go when they please. We don't discriminate and any kind of shifter can be a part of the pack." Maddox said as he ran his hand through his hair while looking into think air, as if trying to remember something.

"Same." I mummur to him. He turns to look at me and gives me the brightest smile I have ever seen. His eyes glow beneath his long dark lashes. His air is messed up from running his hand through it so many times, but somehow it only adds to the charm that is Maddox. His lips are crookedly opened giving a show of his brilliant white teeth.

"How did we get so lucky to have someone like you, that completes all of us? What did we do to deserve you?" Maddox mused to himself as he stared at me. The intense feeling coming back in tenfolds. I wasn't sure if he wanted an answer, so I stayed quiet, the only sound was the faint mummuring of Josiah and Blaze as the calmly talked about what we did today.

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