Chapter 41

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I decided against running back to the pack with Finn, for one, it doesn't seem as if he could lift his arm without getting tired, and two, now that I have Finn with me I feel the exhaustion that has been creeping up on me ever since Finn disappeared from the pack house.

The taxi driver gives me a strange look as I hop into the back of the taxi. I guess if a tired, crying boy was in his arms I also would be giving him strange looks too.

"Take me to the nearest hotel, please." I say quietly as I run my hand over Finn's overgrown hair. Finn sighs as he presses his nose farther into my neck, trying to rub his scent on me. I slide my hand under his shirt and rub his back soothingly like I use to do when he was a little pup.

I give the taxi driver the amount of money it cost before hiking Finn farther into my arms and heading toward the hotel doors. I am ready to collasp into a bed, but I  know that I  have to call Maddox before he gets too mad at me for leaving.

"Do you have a double bed open?" I ask as I pull my wallet out of my pants and grab the credit card that Maddox had been kind enough to give to me a few days ago.

The receptionist gave us a weird look but continues with her job when she noticed that I wasn't kidnapping Finn and that  I really am his father. The women gives us a key and I give her a tight lip smile as I head for the elevator.

My legs wobble beneath me as I get into the elevator, happy that I don't have to take the stairs, I breath  through the pain and wait for the doors to open for our floor.

I stumble down the hallway and into our room before I pull my phone out and call Maddox. I am already waiting for the headache I will no doubt receive once he realizes who I am.

"This is Maddox, if this isn't important than I am going to have to ask you to call later." Maddox snaps on the other end of the phone.

"Maddox." I say quietly as I rub Finn's back some more. Finn looks up at me when he heard Maddox's name and continues to stare at me as I talk with Maddox.

"Tobias! What the hell! Where are you? Are you okay?" I hear more yelling in the background that I identify as Blaze and Josiah yelling.

"I'm fine, we're fine." I say quietly as I stare into Finn's eyes, convincing him amd Maddox at the same time.

"We're? Did you get Finn?" I hear him ask in disbelief. I let out a shaky chuckle as I nod to myself.

"Yes, I just used the card you gave me to get  a hotel room. I'm to tired to run back, and Finn and I really need to take a bath, so if you could come here....."

"That's fine Tobias. We'll be there before breakfast tomorrow." I hear the phone click indicating that Maddox had hung up on me. I sigh and roll my eyes but know that he has the right since I left without telling all of them, and the fact that I drugged them.

"Daddy? Who was that?" I frown at him but answer anyways.

"It was Maddox. I was telling him where we are so he could come get us." I tell go simply as I stand up with him in my arms and walk to the bathroom. I put all the soap I find in the bathroom in the room before turning the hot water off to start the bath.

"Are they also going to be our Daddies?" Finn asks innocently as he clenched my shirt in his hands. I look down at him in shock before answering.

"Remember how I told you about mates, and how they are the best thing for you?" Finn nods as he looks up at me.

"Well, Maddox, Josiah, and Blaze are my mates, and they love me, so much, and I love them too, so someday we will be married, and I guess that makes them your Daddies too." I explain as I take his shirt off and visibly relax when I see that he only has a few small bruises on his chest and no scars.

"But I  can't call them Daddy, because that's what I call you. Maddox will be Papa, Josiah will be Dad, and Blaze with be Papi. Is that okay with you Daddy?" Finn asks as he looks up at me when I deposit him into the tub. I give him my brightest smile while nodding.

"Yes Baby, that's fine with me, and I'm sure they'll be more then happy when you call them that." Finn smiles at me before playing with the bubbles in the tub, I quickly take off my clothing and join him in the tub, wincing when I feel the soap entering the cut on my arm. I know the cut will not be gone tomorrow before my mates come, so I'll be in even more trouble for getting hurt when I told then that I wouldn't get hurt at all, and that I got hurt doing something they told me not to do.

"I love you Daddy." Finn said as he continues to play with the bubbles. I smile down at him.

"I love you too, Buddy."

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